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Bad-Bad Language

Friday, December 28, 2012
I am visiting family, and my sister-in-law invited an older child over to play with my daughter.  This child’s parents must use the phrase, "Oh, my God" often because the child said it a couple times.  My daughter has been taught not to say this, and at breakfast, she said, “(child’s name omitted) is using bad words.”

My reactionary reply was, "(child’s name omitted) is a bad-bad."  This made for an awkward moment with this boy sitting at the breakfast table with his aunt & uncle close by who were watching him for the day.

I missed a moment to teach why we do not say, "Oh, my God" to the child and his relatives.  However, I'm not sure I would have explained it sufficiently if I would have tried.

Where in the Bible does it state using this phrase flippantly is wrong?

Catch Phrase

Dear Catch Phrase,

In the Old Testament, it says to “not take the Lord’s name in vain” (Ex 20:7); it is the third commandment.  In the New Testament, we are told to “let not the name of God and the doctrine be blasphemed” (1 Tim 6:1).  The New Testament also says to treat God with reverence (Heb 12:28).  When we have an attitude of reverence towards God, we won’t use His name as a cuss word.  You are doing well to teach your child to hold God’s name in reverence and honor.  You’ve been doing the right thing… the verses back you up.

How To Find A Good Man

Friday, December 28, 2012
Ever since I started dating, all I have met up with are worthless men, and now I’m pregnant from one of them, but I changed my life and turned to God, but I just want to know why won’t God bless me with a good man?

New Mama

Dear New Mama,

There is a universal life principle: we “reap what we sow” (Gal 6:7).  Ma’am, with all do respect, we believe that is what is happening to you.  If you hang around the kind of men that would have sex with you before marriage… and you consent to such behavior – you will reap what you sow.  Good men don’t try and behave in unseemly ways towards women, and they aren’t attracted to women who appreciate that kind of forwardness.

You say that you have changed your life, and that is wonderful!  As you begin to plant new behavior and choices in your life, you will reap different results.  Make the choice to spend time with people who have high moral standards, and you will see changes in your life.  Bad company corrupts good morals (1 Cor 15:33), and good companionship makes us into better people (Pr 27:17).  Go to church (we would be happy to help you find a faithful one in your area), repent of the lifestyle that got you where you are, and we promise that you will see a difference.

Name Above All Names

Thursday, December 27, 2012
I have a family member that believes that we are descendants of Hebrews and who we know as Jesus is named Yashua, and God is Yah, but from reading the Bible’s Life Applications, it gives the definition of Jah (which is short for Jehovah).  What do I tell them?  They’re trying to say I’ve been misled by what I have been taught, but I need to know how to combat my faith in what I know about my personal Lord and Savior.

Prefer To Remain Nameless

Dear Prefer To Remain Nameless,

Jesus’ name is ‘Yeshua’ in Hebrew, and in Greek it is ‘Haysoos’.  In Hebrew, God’s name is ‘Yahweh’, and sometimes it is shortened into ‘Yah’.  There is no contradiction between the Bible and what your family member told you.

The only incorrect statement they made was that christians are descendants of the Hebrews.  Christians are not descendants of the Jewish nation… they are the replacement for the Jewish nation.  Christians are the spiritual Israel (Rom 2:28-29); they have replaced the physical Israel.  Both Jew and Gentile are allowed into the kingdom of Christ – His church (Rom 9:22-24).

Does She Miss Me?

Tuesday, December 25, 2012
My mom passed away and is in Heaven.  She was a strong Christian.  Does she remember me and still love me?  Does she miss me as much as I miss her?

Mourning The Loss

Dear Mourning The Loss,

We are so very sorry for your loss.  The loss of a loved one is a very difficult trauma.  Your mourning is completely normal and healthy.  Abraham mourned when he lost his wife (Gen 23:2).  Jacob mourned when he thought Joseph had died (Gen 37:34).  Ps 35:14 points out how natural it is to hurt after you lose your mother or father.

Yes, your mother remembers you.  When we die, we don’t forget our family.  Even when the rich man woke up in torments, he remembered his brothers (Lk 16:27-28).  If those in torments remember, then how much more will those in Paradise remember their beloved families?  Your mother is in a place of perfect comfort (Lk 16:25), and every tear she has shed has been wiped away (Rev 21:4).  You can find comfort in that.

Where Is The Line?

Tuesday, December 25, 2012
What does the Bible have to say about foreplay? And is it a sin if both people believe that they're in love, and the reason for it is not because of lust but because of love?

My boyfriend and I can tell the difference between lust and love in our relationship.  And when we are physical, we feel it as love and not as lust.  What I mean by that is that we don't look at each other just wanting to have foreplay with each other.

Can you give us some Biblical references to where we can determine if this is sin or not?

Not Married Yet

Dear Not Married Yet,

Your question assumes that love and lust are mutually exclusive terms – they are not.  You can love someone and lust after them at the same time.  ‘Love’ is the choice to do what is in the best interest of another.  Love is best defined by the words of 1 Cor 13:4-7.  Love is the behavior that puts someone else’s needs and concerns before your own.  That type of love is what any and all healthy relationships are built upon… including romantic relationships.

You and your boyfriend love each other, but you also have a physical attraction to one another.  That physical attraction is normal, but it must be tempered and controlled until marriage.  When you “are physical”, you are increasing that physical lust instead of tempering it.  The very term ‘foreplay’ intimates that what you are doing is leading to further intimacy.  The Scriptures say “it is better to marry than to burn” (1 Cor 7:9).  If you can’t cool your jets and keep a healthy physical distance until marriage… you have a problem.

Before marriage, men and women need to keep healthy physical boundaries.  As the Song of Solomon says, “Do not stir up, nor awake my love, until he pleases” (SoS 2:7).  The physical side of a relationship is only a blessing within marriage – don’t rush into it.  Set up healthy boundaries and then stick to them.  Those boundaries need to be built off of respect for God and each other’s reputation.  A good rule of thumb is to ask, “Would I be okay with my brother or sister being in this situation?”  (1 Tim 5:2).  If your relationship is truly pure and strong, it is strong enough to wait.

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