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Preach It Sister...

Sunday, January 06, 2013
What does God's Word say about a woman preaching in the church?

Chatty Cathy

Dear Chatty Cathy,

It says she can’t do it.  1 Cor 14:34-35 makes it clear that women are not supposed to be in leadership positions during the church assembly.  Women have a zillion different roles within the church, but leading the public assembly isn’t one of them.  Men have the responsibility of preaching, teaching, and leading the worship services (1 Tim 2:12).  In today’s politically correct atmosphere, this can be hard for some to swallow, but as Paul said, “We have no other custom” on this topic (1 Cor 11:16).  There is simply no Biblical precedence for women preachers.

Waiting For Him

Sunday, January 06, 2013
Can you please give some Christian advice for single women?  How should we wait for God to bring a man into our life?

Thank you.

Waiting On God

Dear Waiting On God,

The Bible gives no specific statements about how to look for a future spouse. God instead speaks to the attitudes we must have and the dangers that exist in the world of romance.

  1. Don’t force it.  Song of Solomon is an entire book devoted to romance and marriage.  The chorus of that book is the same over and over (Songs 2:7) – it is a warning to avoid forcing relationships merely for the ‘fun’ of romance.
  2. Who they are matters more than how they look.  The Bible praises godly spouses for their character (Pr 31:10).  Beauty fades, but one’s values endure.  Make sure you are spending your time getting to know people for who they are and for what they find important.
  3. Surround yourself with godly advice.  When we are in the here and now of a romantic relationship, we often get caught up with our emotions and lose perspective.  That makes it especially important to get the advice of those around you who are wiser and less biased.  Parents, grandparents, and other trusted advisors should be sought out as you search for a mate.  Surrounding yourself with many good counselors protects you from making a emotional decision that has lifelong consequences (Pr 11:14).
  4. Godly spouses are found by being godly people.  Look at the book of Ruth - Ruth had no reason to hope for a good marriage.  She was a widow, poor, a foreigner, and even had a dependent mother-in-law "holding her back", and yet, she ends up marrying a wonderful godly man who noticed her because she was godly.  Birds of a feather flock together.  If you want a good spouse, be a good person; good potential mates will gravitate toward you.

Marriage is one of the greatest blessings that God gives mankind.  If we do it God’s way, finding a spouse can be a joy and lead to a lifetime of happiness.

Is Jesus God?

Thursday, January 03, 2013
Someone brought this to my attention, and I must admit, I was ashamed of not knowing how to reply.  One of the Ten Commandments says, "Thou shalt not have any other gods before Me”, but isn't Jesus Christ a god... and wouldn't that be having a god before God?  To get to God, you have to go through Jesus Christ.  I need help on this one please.

Chain Of Command

Dear Chain Of Command,

Jesus is not another god – Jesus is part of the true Godhead.  Jesus was in the beginning and is just as immortal as the Father (Jhn 1:1-3).  Jesus and the Father are one (Jhn 10:30).  It is very similar to how a husband and wife are two people… but they are also one family unit (Gen 2:24).  Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Father are separate beings (Lk 3:21-22), but one Godhead unit.  When God commands us to not worship any other gods but Him, He is dealing with false gods that are man-made.  He isn’t trying to tell us not to worship Jesus.  God makes this very clear in 1 Cor 8:4-6.  There are idols, and then there is the true God… and His Son.

Is "Good" Enough?

Tuesday, January 01, 2013
God is very clear about how He wants us to live our lives, so I don’t understand how some people are constantly sinning and think they will go to heaven just because they are good people.  It is hard when I try to show people different verses in the Bible, and they just blow it off and say God wouldn’t send them to hell because of this or that.  What are some good verses to show my friends and family that God is serious?


Dear Frustrated,

Two very basic verses that emphasize the importance of living faithful lives are Jhn 14:6 and Jhn 15:14.  In Jhn 14:6, Jesus says that He is “the way and the truth and the life, and no one comes to the Father except through Him”.  That verse removes all other religions.  Buddhism, Islam, Agnosticism, Judaism, Atheism, etc. – none of those religions will get you to heaven – only Jesus will.  Since the only way to heaven is through Jesus, Jhn 15:14 goes one step farther and makes it clear that we can only be Jesus’ friends if we do what He commands us.

Not everyone can accept this.  It is only when people love the truth (2 Thess 2:10) that they accept the details of the Bible.  It is an unfortunate reality that most people are simply not interested in the Bible’s truths because it requires too much of them.  God wants us to live faithful and committed lives, lives that require us to deny ourselves (Matt 16:24).  Only when we study His Word and apply it can we call ourselves faithful (Rom 10:17).


Monday, December 31, 2012
Is looking at pornography adultery – whether it is everyday or occasionally?

See No Evil

Dear See No Evil,

Viewing pornography is adultery in your heart.  Jesus makes it very clear that when you lust after a woman (or a man), you have committed adultery in your heart (Matt 5:27-28).  Though the actual sex act hasn’t occurred (physical adultery includes two becoming one flesh - 1 Cor 6:16), the attitude and character that would commit such an act exists.  Pornography is addictive, evil, and in direct opposition to all that God teaches and stands for.  Flee from it (1 Cor 6:18).

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