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Father Knows Best

Wednesday, January 16, 2013
I have a question regarding 1 Cor. 14:34.  Does this instruction for women pertain to the spiritual gifts of that time period, that now no longer exist, or does this scripture apply to women in today's congregations who desire to learn about God's Word?  Also, would you explain verse 1 Cor 14:36?  My Bible says: "Was it from you that the Word of God first went forth?  Or has it come to you only?"  Thank you.

Corinthian Questioner

Dear Corinthian Questioner,

1 Cor 14:34 deals with the spiritual gifts of that time period – as well as all confusion in the public assembly (1 Cor 14:33).  In the public worship service (this does not include private home studies, children’s classes, etc.), women are to “keep silent”.  This refers specifically to speaking out in an authoritative way – such as leading prayer or preaching a sermon.  God specifically designated men to fulfill that role in the church assembly (1 Tim 2:11-12).  This isn’t politically correct, but it is what the Bible says on the subject.

As for 1 Cor 14:36, Paul is reminding the Corinthians that they need to heed these teachings because they had received the message of Christ – they hadn’t created that message.  Paul was reminding them to obey God’s message, not their own personal preferences (1 Cor 14:37).  There are times when God tells us to do things that we disagree with; that is when we have a choice – will we trust ourselves or will we trust our Maker?  We can either mold our lives to match the pattern our Creator has given us… or we can disregard His teachings and remain ignorant (1 Cor 14:38).

On The Mend

Tuesday, January 15, 2013
I have a question that I'm not exactly sure how to word, so I will try my best.  I know that "socially" speaking, cutting is seen as a bad thing or a "mental problem", but this just doesn't help me.  I've struggled with using this as a means of coping for a long time, and as hard as I try, I still find myself being drawn to, or even almost missing, cutting myself.  Are there any verses in the Bible that might help when I'm in those tough situations?  I'm assuming there aren't any verses or stories of people cutting themselves, but I just want something to relate to...

Recovering Self-Injurer

Dear Recovering Self-Injurer,

‘Cutting’ is a type of self-injury that is sinful.  Cutting involves physically abusing your own body.  Here are some verses to consider the next time you feel the urge to harm yourself:

  1. The Bible says, “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Matt 22:39)… would you injure another human being with that type of behavior?  If you wouldn’t do it to your neighbor, you shouldn’t do it to yourself.
  2. Your body is a temple to God (1 Cor 6:19).  Your human body is a vessel designed to be used to the glory of God.  Present your body as a living sacrifice to God (Rom 12:1) – you have no right to harm what doesn’t belong to you.  You belong to God; when you cut yourself, you damage God’s property.
  3. Cutting is a coping mechanism, a learned behavior that is used to deal with various stresses that life brings.  Cutting is a replacement for trusting in God.  God wants us to turn to Him when things get difficult (Matt 11:28).  Cutting is a bad behavior that needs to be replaced by healthy coping mechanisms – like prayer (1 Thess 5:17).

Cutting is an addiction that can become all-consuming if you let it.  Don’t try and go it alone.  Christianity is built off the idea of help.  God helped us in sending His Son (Jhn 3:16).  There is no shame in turning to others as you struggle with this burden.  That is what other christians are for (Gal 6:2).

Open Heart Surgery

Sunday, January 13, 2013
Who opens your heart to receive Christ as Savior?  Is the answer simply 'God'?

Looking For A Key

Dear Looking For A Key,

Yes, the Lord opens our hearts to heed the message of salvation (Acts 16:14), but there isn’t anything miraculous in it.  He opens our hearts because His message is true, and those who seek truth are drawn to it.  God promises that if we seek truth, He will open the door for us (Matt 7:7).  When people are honest and legitimately hungering for truth – God promises they will be filled (Matt 5:6).  God chose a particular type of person for salvation… the kind of person honest enough to listen and obey the Bible (Jas 1:25).

Unsocial Security

Saturday, January 12, 2013
Is it right to divorce my second spouse (and just live with him), so I can receive Social Security benefits from my first husband (who is deceased)?  I can only draw $320.00 on my own benefits.

Penny Pincher

Dear Penny Pincher,

Divorce is only permissible when adultery has occurred (Matt 19:9).  Divorcing your spouse for Social Security benefits isn't right.  You may disagree with the Social Security laws, but God tells us to live peacefully under the laws of whatever nation in which we dwell (Rom 13:1-4).  You married your current spouse, and in so doing, accepted the implications of those marriage vows.  Many Americans are suffering in these difficult economic times, and many marriages are freshly remembering that they vowed to stay married "for richer and for poorer".  May God sustain you and your husband in your trying financial circumstances.

Heart Adultery

Thursday, January 10, 2013
     In Matt. 5:28, the Word states, "But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart."  Do you feel that if a man (or woman) looks at pornography that the woman would have grounds for divorce for sexual immorality?


Dear Unexposed,

Matt 5:28 is discussing the attitude of lust and that it is the same as committing adultery in your heart.  The actual act of adultery hasn’t happened, but the attitude behind it exists.  If a wife/husband could divorce their spouse for thinking lustful thoughts, then we should also throw everyone angry with others in jail for murder (Matt 5:21-22).
The Bible makes it clear that the act of adultery involves two people becoming one flesh (1 Cor 6:16), and it involves more than just an act of the mind, but an act of the body (1 Cor 6:18).

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