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Ask Your Preacher - Archives

“How To Find A Good Man”

Ever since I started dating, all I have met up with are worthless men, and now I’m pregnant from one of them, but I changed my life and turned to God, but I just want to know why won’t God bless me with a good man?

New Mama

Dear New Mama,

There is a universal life principle: we “reap what we sow” (Gal 6:7).  Ma’am, with all do respect, we believe that is what is happening to you.  If you hang around the kind of men that would have sex with you before marriage… and you consent to such behavior – you will reap what you sow.  Good men don’t try and behave in unseemly ways towards women, and they aren’t attracted to women who appreciate that kind of forwardness.

You say that you have changed your life, and that is wonderful!  As you begin to plant new behavior and choices in your life, you will reap different results.  Make the choice to spend time with people who have high moral standards, and you will see changes in your life.  Bad company corrupts good morals (1 Cor 15:33), and good companionship makes us into better people (Pr 27:17).  Go to church (we would be happy to help you find a faithful one in your area), repent of the lifestyle that got you where you are, and we promise that you will see a difference.