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A Simple Start

Friday, January 29, 2016
I'm old enough to get baptized, and I've been raised in a household that really emphasizes Bible knowledge.  I want to get baptized... I feel like I should have a while ago.  Here's my hang-up: even though I know a lot of Bible facts, I don't feel like I know enough to be a christian.  I can't explain most of the Bible to my friends yet.  What type of christian would that be?!  I feel ashamed and frustrated and kind of stupid.

Not Enough Knowledge

Dear Not Enough Knowledge,

To become a christian, you only need to know two things:

  1. What it takes to become a christian.  Feel free to read the post “What Must I Do To Be Saved?”.
  2. That the Bible will be your only guide for the rest of your life (Rom 1:16).

As you read through the New Testament, you see many conversions that occurred with only this knowledge.  The Ethiopian eunuch became a christian after only a chariot ride Bible study (Acts 8:38).  The Philippian jailer obeyed the gospel after only one evening of study (Acts 16:31-33).  Three thousand people became christians after only one sermon (Acts 2:38-41).

When we first become christians, we are only babies (1 Cor 3:1).  It is only after time and practice that we become mature and full-grown adult christians (Heb 5:14).  If you are prepared to learn and grow in God’s Word, that is enough.  Get baptized, become a christian, and begin your journey.

Snared In Sin

Monday, January 25, 2016
I was saved, baptized, and had accepted Jesus Christ as my lord and savior when I was about twelve or thirteen.  I have been addicted to porn and all kinds of sexual sins and impure thoughts.  I have been praying a lot and asking God for forgiveness of my sins and to cleanse me of my sins.  I am terrified I have lost my salvation and that I’m going to hell.  I have been reading the Bible a lot.  Please help me.

Off The Path

Dear Off The Path,

You can be forgiven of all sin, no matter how lurid, if you repent.  David is a great example of this.  David slept with a married woman, killed her husband, and lied to cover it all up (2 Sam 11:2-4).  However, David eventually repented and was forgiven (2 Sam 12:13).  The key is that David changed the direction of his life.  David made a distinct effort to overcome his sin and live faithfully.  You must do the same.

At this point, you are probably thinking, “But I have made a distinct effort!  I have tried to live faithfully…”  We understand that you are trying.  We here at AYP want you to succeed.  The problem with sexual sins, pornography especially, is that they are addictive in nature.  Many sins have addictive qualities, but sexual sins are especially noted for being that way.  Chapter five of Proverbs highlights the enticing and alluring nature of the immoral woman and immoral sex.  Pr 5:3-4 points out that this type of sin is enticing, but it always ends with bitterness.  You are tasting that bitterness now.

Your only solution is to flee sin (1 Cor 6:18).  Take whatever steps are necessary to remove yourself from situations that might lead to fornication.  Get rid of your computer or internet connection (if you really need to use the internet, you can always go to the library – a very public access point).  Install ‘accountability software’ like CovenantEyes – which will send a copy of all your internet activity to a trusted friend or advisor.  Make specific plans to ATTACK this sin.  Get help.  Let other trusted individuals know about your problem (Eccl 4:9-10).  Admitting your faults is painful, but this is absolutely worth the sacrifice if it will save your soul – and it will (Matt 5:29-30).  Do not walk away from this sin.  RUN!

Does God Exist?

Friday, January 22, 2016
I have been a Christian all my life and just recently (the past six months) I have been questioning God's existence.  I became exceedingly depressed since now my life has no direction, and I went to whom I thought I could trust (youth pastor and my family).  Both of which excused it as a "phase" – it doesn't seem like it is now that I've been feeling empty for so long.  When everyone else ignored me, I began to read the Bible, a chapter a day.  Nothing helped my faith.  I've tried praying to God, asking Him to help me believe in Him since I just don't have the faith to do this on my own.  Like every other human, I make mistakes all the time.  My question is this: what do I do to find God or help Him find me?  Is there anything that can help my faith?

Theistically Challenged

Dear Theistically Challenged,

Your question is one of the fundamental questions of life: “Does God Exist?”  It is important that everyone asks this question at some point in their life, and there is no shame in you doing it now.  We disagree with those you have talked to previously; this question is not a phase; it is a basic question that is worthy of an honest answer.

We will try to give you some key evidence that there is a Creator, but we will also point you in the direction of some resources that may help you in your quest for answers.  So here we go:

  1. Look at a watch and ask yourself the question, “Is this designed?”  Of course, a watch is designed – just like a house, a car, a camera, and other modern technological marvels.  You know they are designed because they are complex, they have purpose, and they are organized in a meaningful way.  Now look at your eye, your hand, even a single follicle of hair.  Are they designed?  They are infinitely more complex than a watch.  They have very distinct purposes, and they are all organized in a meaningful way.  You were designed by God; you have a Designer.  If you believe in watchmakers, you can believe in God.
  2. The most basic laws of science tell us that nothing ever comes from nothing (1st Law of Thermodynamics).  Einstein made it clear that nothing can be destroyed; energy can turn into matter and matter into energy, but everything that is here has always been here.  That begs the question, “Where did it all come from?”  Scientists all agree that everything we see had to come from somewhere, but the only logical answer to that question is ‘God’.  God, a supernatural deity not bound by the laws of physics, created all that we see and enjoy in this universe.
  3. God’s Word is also proof that God is.  The Bible is a book that only God could write.  It has prophecies that are fulfilled hundreds of years after they are spoken.  It has remained unchanged by tradition or persecution for thousands of years.  It makes statements about how our world works hundreds of years before scientists realized the concepts for themselves.  The Bible is a book composed by over forty different writers over thousands of years, and yet it has no contradictions within it.  The Bible could not have been written by anyone but Deity.

These are just three reasons to believe in God; there are many more that space prevents us from mentioning.  We also recommend you go back and read through the posts in our EVIDENCES category.  You will see that you aren’t the only one who has questions about God, and you will also see that there are answers to every question.  We also recommend reading Case For A Creator by Lee Strobel and Has God Spoken? by A.O. Schnabel. Both books are well worth the read.

I'm Not The Same Person!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016
I've had trouble in my past with the law.  I'm sorry for what I did and have changed.  Why do I still have to deal with all this?  Is there something obvious I can do or something to show people that I'm not the same?  I've tried wearing long sleeves to cover up my tattoos and wearing a cross, and all that didn't work.  Is there, like, a saying or something that I can say?  Or something else I can wear?


Reformed Citizen

Dear Reformed Citizen,

There are two areas of our life that our sins effect – the spiritual part of our life and the physical part of our life.  When you are baptized, the spiritual consequences for your sins are removed.  Our sins bring spiritual death (Rom 6:23), and baptism brings a new life in Christ (Rom 6:3-4).  The spiritual consequences for our sins are the most important because they are eternal consequences.  Even if all of mankind hates us, if God loves us, we are safe (Matt 10:28).  Forgiveness of your sins does not remove the physical consequences though – just the spiritual ones.

God tells us that we “reap what we sow” (Gal 6:7).  The physical consequences of our sins will be with us our entire life.  If we lose our temper and strike someone, then we must deal with the effects of that choice… even if God forgives us.  If I am an unfaithful steward and spend all the money God gives me on worthless things, God’s forgiveness will not miraculously remove my poverty.  God wants us to learn the lessons from our sins, and He disciplines us when we are disobedient (Heb 12:9-10).  There is no magic pill, incantation, or jewelry that will remove the consequences of your choices in this life.  All you can do is begin to humbly serve God (Mic 6:8).  As you make better choices – over time – you will find that people begin to treat you differently.  Let your humble, repentant, and gentle spirit shine through.  You know that you are a different person; in time everyone else will, too.

Astonishing Grace

Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Sometimes I feel like asking for forgiveness is too easy.  When I think about all the sins I commit in a week, I feel awful and can't comprehend that if I just ask for them to be forgiven, they will be, and then I'm stuck with this feeling that I'm not really forgiven.  I do truly feel sorry for what I've done, but is it supposed to be this easy?


Apology Accepted?

Dear Apology Accepted?,

Trusting in the Lord is hardest when He offers something more spectacular than we deserve.  Heaven is hard to visualize because it is so wonderful, and forgiveness is hard to appreciate because it is so gracious.  You must remember that God provides forgiveness as a gift (Rom 6:23); it has nothing to do with whether you deserve it.  God tells us that He is eager to forgive us (Ps 86:5).  Forgiveness is His gift to give, and He may give it as freely as He wishes.

God’s forgiveness can be compared to the forgiveness a parent offers their children (after all He is called our Father for a reason – Matt 5:45).  How often do young children make mistakes as they learn and grow?  No matter how often a child fails, parents are quick to forgive them as soon as they show sorrow.  God is no different (1 Jn 1:9).  Your Father loves you so much that He gave His very own Son (Jhn 3:16).  Sometimes God’s forgiveness seems too easy because God loves us with such ease.

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