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Nothing To LOL At

Wednesday, August 01, 2018
Is saying, “OMG” (oh, my God!) using God’s name in vain?


Dear TTYL,

Yes, emphatically, yes it is.  We are so thankful you have asked this question because it is such a problem in today’s culture.  Acronyms and shorthand used in texting (such as l8r, btw, ttyl, etc.) have become a part of the pop culture and our everyday speech.  When you shorten something, it still retains the same meaning.  For example, ‘ty’ still means ‘thank you’ and is accepted as a phrase of gratitude.  Therefore, when people type or say ‘omg’, it still means that they are treating God’s name in an irreverent and blasphemous way.  It is a sad fact that many christians treat phrases like ‘omg’ as a sort of “loophole” around using the Lord’s name in vain… but it is still blasphemy.  God isn’t fooled by shorthand (Gal 6:7).


Unequal Suffering

Thursday, July 19, 2018
Since all sickness is a consequence of sin, why are some innocent children dealt a greater portion of this consequence than others?  Why might one child be born healthy and another not?  Is this random chance, or are some favored divinely?


Dear Sickened,

Sickness is a consequence of Adam and Eve’s sin in the Garden of Eden.  One of the curses of their sin was that we all must face our own mortality – life is finite.  Sickness, disease, and pain are a part of the human existence.  Sadly, this is true even for children.  Though, as you mentioned, sickness isn’t doled out equally.  Some people suffer greatly, and others face relatively few health problems.  There are several reasons that someone might have a greater portion of sickness.

  1. We reap what we sow (Gal 6:7-8).  The choices we make have consequences in this life – and in the next.  What you do affects you and those around you that you come in contact with.  When you behave godly, certain things happen; when you behave sinfully, other things happen.  That is a universal principle of life.  If a woman drinks while she is pregnant or a child is neglected and malnourished because of ungodly parents – they will suffer the consequences of the choices their parents make.  Some children face health issues that were totally avoidable if the parents had simply lived moral lives.
  2. Sometimes bad things simply happen because they happen.  Job suffered greatly, and his children died, but it wasn’t his (or their) fault.  Job hadn’t done anything wrong, nor had his kids.  It all happened because Satan wanted to do evil (Job 1:6).  As long as we live in this world of sin, there will be troubles.  Sometimes, there isn’t anyone at fault… just time and chance wreaking havoc in a sinful world (Eccl 9:11).
  3. Sometimes people suffer so that God can be glorified.  Jesus’ disciples asked Him why a certain man had been born blind, and Jesus answered, “So that God’s works might be revealed in him.” (Jhn 9:1-3)  This man’s ailment provided an opportunity for God to show His glory.  There are times that we suffer, so God can teach us and teach others through our pain (Eccl 7:2-3).


Artificial Light

Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Is it wrong to go to tanning beds or use spray-on tans?

UV is Ultra-Vain?

Dear UV is Ultra-Vain,

There are two issues to consider with tanning – the health issue and the vanity issue.  First of all let’s look at the health concerns.  Overall, the Scriptures lay out a general principle of healthy living and not overindulging.  Moderation is the key, and there is a time for everything (Eccl 3:1).  We are told that we need to take care of our bodies because they are a gift from God (1 Cor 6:19).  Every activity involves certain health risks, and tanning is no exception.  Each christian needs to assess the arguments for and against tanning for themselves and be a good steward of the body God has given them.

The second issue is vanity.  God tells us that we need to be careful to not be the type of people that are vain and focused on our outward appearance all the time (1 Tim 2:9-10).  Tanning is typically done as an act to beautify the body – this isn’t inherently wrong, but it can be if not kept in proper perspective.  Remember that beauty fades, but character is forever (Pr 31:30).


Innocent Minds

Wednesday, July 04, 2018
I'd like a few answers to questions that are rarely (if ever) brought up in Sunday services.  What happens to people with brain diseases?  Is this another way for the brain to protect itself from trauma it can't handle?  Are people born with Down Syndrome guaranteed a place in heaven?

Of Sound Mind

Dear Of Sound Mind,

Those with mental handicaps would fall under the same rules as children.  In order to obey the gospel, we must have the maturity to:

  1. Take responsibility for our sins (Acts 3:19).
  2. Hear and understand the Word of God (Rom 10:17).
  3. Be responsible for our own spiritual growth (1 Pet 2:1-2).

Children and those with mental disabilities do not have that ability, and God only holds us accountable for what we are able to do (2 Cor 8:11-12).

All disease and illness is a consequence of sin.  When Adam and Eve sinned, their bodies began to die (Gen 2:17).  When mankind was kicked out of the Garden of Eden (Gen 3:24), diseases of all sorts began to creep in.  Mental diseases are just one consequence of that fateful decision that Adam and Eve made.


For Worse, Not Better

Tuesday, July 03, 2018
I have a friend who recently went through a divorce.  His wife got tired of him, and she left him.  She took him to court for a divorce, but he never wanted a divorce.  He tried to stop it and wanted to work things out.  During the court proceedings, he found out that she had found someone else.  After that, he decided that the divorce could go on.  It has been nearly a year since the divorce, and his ex is now engaged.  Does he have a right to remarry since he only agreed to the divorce once he knew she had cheated?  Any help would be appreciated.


Dear Concerned,

Your question deals with the issue of marriage, divorce, and remarriage.  This issue is a big issue, and each individual must study the Scriptures concerning this before making a personal decision about it.  Whenever people send us questions dealing with marriage, divorce, and remarriage, we always point them toward our sermon series on the topic.  That series should answer most questions about the subject.  If there are still questions after listening to those five lessons – feel free to write back, but please make sure to include your e-mail, so we can contact you directly.  Here is a link to that series of sermons: “Marriage, Divorce, And Remarriage”.


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