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What Went Wrong?

Tuesday, February 04, 2014
God created humans after animals, and before Adam and Eve ate the apple, they never hurt a fly.  And then Adam and Eve committed sins.  So then we were told to sacrifice animals for forgiveness.  Why did God change His plan?

Save The Beasts

Dear Save The Beasts,

God didn’t bring death into our world – sin did.  In the Garden of Eden, all life was blessed, and everything was perfect (Gen 1:31).  It was only after mankind sinned that death and suffering were introduced (Gen 2:17).  All of creation was affected by sin (Gen 3:17-18).  The devil would have us blame God for our suffering, but he is the one that created all the chaos and hurt (Gen 3:13).

Animal sacrifice was necessary for God to teach mankind how horrible sin is.  God changed His plan because He interceded to save us from our own sins (Jhn 3:16).

Interpreter, Please

Monday, February 03, 2014
I had a dream where I witnessed the heavens opening up and the sound of a trumpet blowing.  Does this have any spiritual meaning, or was it just a dream?

Heavenly Visions

Dear Heavenly Visions,

The days of prophetic dreams and visions have passed.  In the past, God spoke to various people through dreams, visions, and prophecy, but today He speaks to us through His Son, Jesus Christ (Heb 1:1-2).  Now that we have the complete and perfect Bible – there is no need for God to give people individual dreams or visions (1 Cor 13:9-10).  It is through the Word of God that we learn how to live faithfully (Rom 10:17).   You don’t need to worry about interpreting your dream as some spiritual sign; it was just a dream.

Say Goodnight

Sunday, February 02, 2014
What does the Bible say about going out to a nightclub?

Likes A Crowd

Dear Likes A Crowd,

The Scripture never specifically condemns going to a nightclub, but there are a plethora of reasons for a christian to avoid nightclubs.  Alcohol flows freely in nightclubs (drinking parties are wrong – 1 Pet 4:3).  Nightclubs are designed to bring men and women together and encourage inappropriate behavior.  The music is often vulgar and crass, and immodesty abounds.  Nightclubs are meant to promote ungodly behavior.  Bad company corrupts good morals (1 Cor 15:33).  Hanging out in a nightclub night after night is definitely bad company.

Stay Your Hand

Sunday, February 02, 2014
What can a physically abusive man do to stop his ways?  He loves Christ, but he gets mad and flips out; then he repents over and over.

Hoping To Help Him

Dear Hoping To Help Him,

He can stop his ways whenever it is important to him.  Contrary to what he says, this abusive man isn’t out of control – he can stop being abusive whenever he wants to.  In fact, abusive spouses are in complete control of their behavior.  Saying they “lose control” is just an excuse to continue sinful behavior.  Consider that:

  1. Abusers pick and choose whom they want to abuse.  Abusers don’t assault or threaten everyone in their lives, only the ones they claim to love and care about.  Abusers have enough self-control to safely interact with employers, grocery clerks, and a thousand other people.
  2. Abusers carefully choose when and where to abuse.  Abusive spouses act appropriately in public but unleash their rage in private.  They have enough self-control to hide their behavior from society.
  3. Abusers are able to stop when it benefits them (for example: when the police show up, their boss calls, etc.).
  4. Worst of all, the most violent of domestic abusers are able to show enough control to aim their blows where they will be hidden from the public.  Many physically abusive adults specifically pick to leave marks only in places that won’t show.

In short, domestic violence isn’t uncontrollable – it is a choice.  All sin is something we have a say in, and it is our decision whether or not to let it be our master (Gen 4:7).  If you are in an abusive relationship, do not accept the lie that they can’t control their behavior.  Physical abuse is inexcusable.  God says that we should love our children (Tit 2:4) and love our spouses (Eph 5:28).  Domestic violence is the exact opposite of that command.

Worth The Wait

Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Why should I wait for sex?

Just Askin’

Dear Just Askin’,

There are two ways to answer your question.  One way to answer your question would be to list the thousands of statistics that describe how much healthier of a lifestyle monogamy is.  We could explain the risks of promiscuity and the increased failure rate of relationships that pursue intimacy before marriage.  There are studies far and wide that prove the healthiest, happiest, and most well-adjusted relationships are monogamous relationships that wait until marriage… but that isn’t the way we are going to answer your question because as compelling as secular studies are, they aren’t nearly as compelling as the Bible.

The other way to answer your question is to tell you that God says sex outside of marriage is a sin and that we should flee all fornication (1 Cor 6:18).  God designed that level of intimacy for marriage only (Eph 5:31).  Our Creator knows what is best for us, and His Bible says sex outside of marriage is a sin.  That is why you should wait.

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