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Reporting For Duty

Tuesday, January 14, 2014
If a member of a church of Christ goes to a military branch, ends up fighting in a war, and kills men, will he still be a member of the church? And will he still be okay spiritually?

Sgt. Unknown

Dear Sgt. Unknown,

There is nothing wrong with being a soldier; some of the most faithful men in the Bible were soldiers and had to kill people in the defense of their country.  David was a man after God’s own heart (1 Sam 13:14), and yet David killed many people as a soldier.  Jesus marveled at the faith of a centurion soldier (Matt 8:8-10).  The first Gentile convert was Cornelius, a well-known Roman soldier (Acts 10:22).  When a group of soldiers asked John the Baptist what they needed to do to live a faithful life, he told them to be honest and faithful… but he never told them to stop serving in the military (Lk 3:14).

Lord willing, most christian soldiers will never have to kill anyone, but if they did, it won’t be murder (read “Kill Or Be Killed” for more on that topic).  Being a soldier is an honorable profession.

Filling The Pulpit

Monday, January 13, 2014
How do I become a preacher?

Career Oriented

Dear Career Oriented,

Preachers always start out the same way – as christians.  When Paul enlisted Timothy to preach, he did so because Timothy was well spoken of amongst the brotherhood (Acts 16:1-3).  There is no magic formula for how to become a preacher.  Study (2 Tim 2:15) is the biggest key.  Any man who desires to preach needs to know his Bible (1 Pet 3:15).  The Bible pattern for preaching often involved an apprenticeship with an already existing preacher (i.e. Timothy and Titus studying with Paul).  Ultimately, every preacher started out as someone preparing himself to be of use to the Lord (2 Tim 2:21), and that preparation readied him to step into preaching when the opportunity presented itself.

Dropping The Deadbeat

Sunday, January 12, 2014
My wife and I have been married for thirty-two years, and we have three grown sons (30, 28, and 26). The twenty-six year old refuses to grow up, and my wife won't let him grow up.  He's living with a woman and her two children.  He calls my wife for everything!  He does not have a job, and my wife jumps every time He calls.  This is causing serious stress on our marriage!  I am a preacher, and I want to do the right thing!  A house divided shall not stand.  How should I handle this issue? Thanks.

Frustrated Father

Dear Frustrated Father,

There is only one verse that is needed to address an adult that won’t work and pay their own bills – “If any will not work, neither let them eat” (2 Thess 3:10).  Financially supporting someone who won’t work, especially in these hard economic times when others are struggling to find work, is wrong.  The Bible advice is simple – no more handouts.  Make the decision, as a couple, that you will stand together and do what is best for your son.  Don’t lay the blame solely on your wife; a husband is responsible for the decisions of his house (Eph 5:23).

End Of An Era

Sunday, January 12, 2014
How old was Moses when he died?

Age Limit

Dear Age Limit,

Moses was one hundred and twenty years old at his death (Deu 34:7).  You can read the entire account of his death and burial in Deuteronomy 34.

Abuse Of Power

Saturday, January 11, 2014
Hello.  Would you define spiritual abuse and why it is wrong… or does it really exist?

On The Defense

Dear On The Defense,

‘Spiritual abuse’ is a modern phrase that was coined to describe the abuse that people receive at the hands of religious leaders.  Though this phrase isn’t in the Bible, the concept is.  Peter said that false teachers destroy souls and malign the way of truth (2 Pet 2:1-2).  Jesus condemned many of the religious leaders of His day for “laying burden’s too heavy to bear” on people’s shoulders (Matt 23:4), shutting the kingdom of heaven against men (Matt 23:13), devouring widows’ houses (Matt 23:14), and making their followers worse than themselves (Matt 23:15).  False teachers coerce and deceive people to follow lies.  When religious leaders stop presenting the truth of the Bible and begin to use their leadership for their own gain – that is definitely an abuse of power.

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