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Beyond The Grave

Thursday, March 14, 2019
     Is it wrong to pray for someone who is dead?  I was told the Bible says it is wrong, and I don't remember reading that.  Thank you.

Morbid Curiosity

Dear Morbid Curiosity,

1 Jn 5:16 is probably the verse you are thinking of, but that doesn’t really deal with dead people; it pertains to people who are purposefully turning their backs on the Lord.  We are told not to request that God forgive people who aren’t seeking to live faithfully.

Having said that, your question deals with people that are already dead, and that is an entirely different issue.  Heb 9:27 says that people die and then face the judgment.  There is no room for someone’s fate to be changed once they die.  If your goal through prayer is to make it so someone who already died can go to heaven instead of hell, that won’t work.

Through The Fire

Friday, March 01, 2019
Hello! I have a question: are heaven and Earth literally going to be destroyed?  Or is it the old (current) world system that will be destroyed, but not Earth itself? I'm just curious about this.  Also, I'm curious if what Revelation 21:1 says by a "New heaven and a new earth" means that the Earth will be cleansed by fire and regenerated just like in the days of Noah (only the world was destroyed by a flood in Noah's day).  I just hope that the end of the world will be like Noah's day; it will be cleansed by fire and regenerated like the world was destroyed by the Flood, but Earth itself wasn't destroyed.

Looking Ahead

Dear Looking Ahead,

1 Pet 3:10-12 tells us that eventually God will destroy the earth by fire.  After that, He will establish a spiritual universe (heaven) where those who love Him will exist forever.  Here is a list of verses that teach on that subject:

  1. 1 Cor. 15:42-50
    • vs. 47 says our bodies will not consist of earthly components
    • vs 50 says flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom
  2. Lk 20:34-38
    • vs 36 says we will have bodies like angels
  3. Jhn 14:2-4
    • vs 2 says we will dwell where God dwells (heaven)
    • vs 3 says Jesus is preparing a place for us now
  4. 2 Pet 3:10-13
    • vs 10 says that when God uses fire to destroy the earth, He will both destroy the works of the earth and the earth itself.
  5. Heb 1:10-12
    • vs 11 says the earth and heavens will perish like an old garment
    • vs 12 says that the earth and heavens will be changed like one would change and put on new clothes
    • the new heaven and earth will not be a redo of this earth, but an entirely new garment.
  6. Matt 24:35
    • Heaven and earth are temporary, unlike God’s Word
  7. Heb 11:13
    • faithful people are considered strangers and wanderers on this earth
  8. Php 3:20
    • our citizenship is in heaven, not on earth
  9. Jhn 18:36
    • Jesus refers to His kingdom as not being “of this world”

Old Enough To Know Better

Friday, February 22, 2019
     What age is it when you know right from wrong and if you sin you go to hell?

Counting The Years

Dear Counting The Years,

The age of accountability is the age when a child becomes accountable to God for their sins and would be judged for them… exactly at what age that happens is the tricky part of your question.  We can tell you what the Bible says on the subject, but it doesn’t say much.

We know any baby that dies goes to heaven.  David’s son died, and David made it clear that his son was in heaven (2 Sam 12:23).  Also, Paul uses the immaturity of children as an example (1 Cor 13:11).  This tells us God doesn’t have the same expectation of a child’s behavior as He does of an adult’s.  Children are not bound by the same rules as adults.  A child doesn’t have the mental capacity or maturity to be held accountable for their mistakes like adults are.

In order to become a christian, there are several things God expects you to be capable of doing:

  1. Take responsibility for your sins (Acts 3:19).
  2. Hear and understand the Word of God (Rom 10:17).
  3. Be responsible for your own spiritual growth (1 Pet 2:1-2).

If a child is not capable of doing those things, they cannot be held accountable for their eternal future.

This still doesn’t answer the question though because every child matures at a different rate.  Everyone agrees that a five-year-old can’t be held accountable, and that a twenty-year-old can.  It is the age spectrum in between where our judgment gets fuzzy.  Only God, who knows our hearts (Lk 16:15), can accurately judge the hour in which a child makes that transition into accountability.

Tracking Our Trajectory

Tuesday, February 19, 2019
     If God knows everything that will happen in one’s life, then why does He put people on earth if He knows they are doomed to go to hell?  Like, if He knows that one will go to heaven but the other will go to hell, why put sinners who are damned to hell here?  Why is that?  Isn’t that a little unfair?

Feeling Toyed With

Dear Feeling Toyed With,

God knows our days upon this earth, but He also gives us the freewill to shape various aspects of the world that we live in.  Just because God has knowledge of how you and I will behave does not mean that He causes our behavior to happen in a certain way.  Foreknowledge is not the same as causation.  A doctor may know that a patient is going to die of cancer, but that doesn’t mean the doctor caused the patient to die of that ailment.  God gives mankind the freedom to make decisions, but He also has the wisdom to know how those choices will affect the future (Job 12:13).

Destination: Known

Thursday, February 14, 2019
     Where did Jesus go after He died?

Location Services

Dear Location Services,

Jesus went to Paradise when He died – He said so.  Jesus told the thief on the cross that they were both going to Paradise after they died (Lk 23:43).  Some say that Jesus went to hell when He died.  That argument refers to the verse where it states Jesus would spend three days and three nights in “the heart of the earth” (Matt 12:40).  However, that verse is simply stating that Jesus’ body would be buried for three days.  Jesus’ spirit was separated from His body at death (Jas 2:26).  Jesus’ body went into the ground, and His spirit went into Paradise.

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