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Ask Your Preacher - Archives

“New Beginnings”

I started going to church at three years old, and I’m a christian (as far as I know), but my question is: how do christians live?  I came from dancing, drinking, etc., but now I am trying to live like a christian, but I don't know how.

Starting Fresh

Dear Starting Fresh,

Christianity is about living by faith and knowing that God will reward us for seeking Him (Heb 11:6).  Our first act of faith is to become a christian; since it sounds like you aren’t completely sure that you are one, we recommend you read our post “What Must I Do To Be Saved?”.

After becoming a christian, you must begin to grow and practice what the Bible says (1 Pet 2:2).  A large part of that growing process is becoming an active member in a faithful congregation that can teach and encourage you (Heb 10:24-25).  Not every church is doing what God says, and it is important that you search for a congregation that is faithfully preaching and teaching the Bible.  We have an article entitled “Finding A Church” that can help you search for a congregation.  We would also be happy to help you find a congregation in your area.  If you would like our help, e-mail us at, and we will try to put you in contact with a congregation nearby.