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“King Solomon”


Can a person grow to be as smart as King Solomon? Is it impossible?

Sincerely, Searching For Wisdom

Dear Searching For Wisdom,

Solomon’s capacity for wisdom was unique and given to him miraculously as a gift from God (1 Kgs 4:29).The Bible states that no one ever was or will be as wise as Solomon (1 Kgs 3:12).We may never attain Solomon’s stature of wisdom, but God still provides a vast well of wisdom for everyone to drink from.The Proverbs teach that God’s wisdom is available for all if we will seek it (Pr 1:20-23).God tells us that if we pray for wisdom, He will give it to us (Jas 1:5).There was only one Solomon, but there is still a whole world of wisdom available in the Bible for the rest of us (Col 3:16).