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Day 102 - Psalm 58

Thursday, May 19, 2016

5 minutes a day 5 days a week - a year of Bible Wisdom

Women Preachers

Thursday, May 19, 2016
What does God's Word say about a woman preaching in the church?

Chatty Cathy

Dear Chatty Cathy,

It says she can’t do it.  1 Cor 14:34-35 makes it clear that women are not supposed to be in leadership positions during the church assembly.  Women have a zillion different roles within the church, but leading the public assembly isn’t one of them.  Men have the responsibility of preaching, teaching, and leading the worship services (1 Tim 2:12).  In today’s politically correct atmosphere, this can be hard for some to swallow, but as Paul said, “We have no other custom” on this topic (1 Cor 11:16).  There is simply no Biblical precedence for women preachers.

Day 101 - Psalm 57

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

5 minutes a day 5 days a week - a year of Bible Wisdom

His And Hers

Wednesday, May 18, 2016
My wife does not want to attend the church we go to now; I think it is because she was offended, but she wants to change churches.  If she does, do I have to go with her (because I like the church we are in now)?

Disconnected at the Hip

Dear Disconnected at the Hip,

One of the great misconceptions about churches is believing the way to find a good church is to find one that fits your personality, lifestyle, and desires.  This is wrong.  Paul teaches that those who search for teaching that “tickles their ears” will always end up falling into false doctrine (2 Tim 4:3-4).  Most churches cater to the desires of the culture and society… this is wrong.

When searching for a church, you must ask the question, “Does this church follow the New Testament pattern?”  The local church needs to be the pillar and ground of the truth (1 Tim 3:15), ground zero for basic Bible teaching.  A church that will buy the truth and not sell it (Pr 23:23) is a church that will help you get to heaven.  We recommend you read “Finding The Church” and “Preacher Interrogation” for further details on the topic of finding the local church.

You and your wife need to work as one unit (going to separate churches is a sign of a real marital problem - religion is a huge factor in marriage problems) and make sure that where you are going isn’t based off of how you feel, but grounded in Biblical truth.

Day 100 - Psalm 56

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

5 minutes a day 5 days a week - a year of Bible Wisdom

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