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Ask Your Preacher - Archives

“Thundering Silence”

As a Christian, I refrain from using sinful language.  I ask you, what should I do when the person I love does this?  I do not want to be a “Bible Thumper”, but I do find it very disrespectful not only to me, but to my Savior.  I try to set a Christian example before him, but at times, I feel as though it doesn't help.  Any advice would be very helpful.

Biting My Tongue

Dear Biting My Tongue,

Wives have a unique ability to win their husbands without a word.  1 Pet 3:1-2 says that a wife can often gain her husband and turn him to righteousness as he sees her chaste behavior.  Men are often convinced and converted by the kindness and patience of women.  When a man’s wife/girlfriend/mother behaves morally, even when he isn’t behaving morally, it is as painful as pouring coals of fire upon his head (Rom 12:20-21).  A man’s conscience is burned by a woman’s faithful example.  Feel free to tell him when you are offended by his language, but do it with meekness instead of anger (1 Pet 3:3-4).  Don’t force him to behave as you do… force begets more force, and the average man will fight fire with fire.  Instead, respectfully continue to do the right thing yourself, and you may just find that you will win him over (1 Cor 7:13-16).