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The Minister Problem

Wednesday, January 04, 2017

(This question is a follow up to “The Pastor Problem”)

We have other ministers (who are women), and his [the pastor] feelings about women seem to be not ones of love.  Our church voted to ordain these women before he came, but he has blocked this.

Not Feeling The Love

Dear Not Feeling The Love,

Just one more nail in the coffin for this congregation.  The role of women in the church is a very sensitive issue, which is why it is so important to carefully study the Scriptures on the topic.  Our behavior should always be guided by what God says, not by our personal agendas or emotions.  After clearly lambasting this “pastor” in the previous posts, we find ourselves in the odd position of agreeing with him.  Women should not be ministers.  1 Tim 2:12 very clearly states that women should not be preachers or ministers.  1 Cor 14:34-35 further clarifies that public teaching in the church is not a role for women.  Regardless of how politically incorrect that stance may be… that is what the Bible says.  The congregation you are attending is sinning by having women ministers.  It is time for you to find a faithful church because this church isn’t one.  We would be happy to help you find a congregation in your area – simply e-mail us at, and we will help track down a scripturally sound, Bible-following, God-fearing congregation near you.

The Pastor Problem

Friday, December 30, 2016

(This question is a follow-up to “Ungifted”.)

It's me again.  If you are not paying tithes, does the pastor have the right to stop you from serving on organizations?  If a deacon disagrees with his program, should the deacon be put off the deacon board?

Under A Thumb

Dear Under A Thumb,

We’ll answer your question by asking a question: why is there only one pastor in this church?  The Lord never designed the church to be led by one man.  In every New Testament congregation, the church is led by a plurality of elders (also known as pastors).  Pastors lead the church together.  Paul wrote to the elders in Philippi (Php 1:1).  He met with the elders in Ephesus (Acts 20:17).  Every congregation had elders to lead them (Acts 14:23).  There is no example of a single elder/pastor leading the church.  Multiple pastors shepherding the church avoids all the power being placed in the hands of one man.  One man with too much authority can be corrupted… as your church is seeing.  This man is totally corrupted, power hungry, and greedy.  As you have mentioned in your previous questions, he has an unhealthy addiction to money.  This church has a problem with its leadership structure.  If you would like to start attending a congregation that won’t bleed you for every dollar you have AND is Scripturally sound AND will help you get to heaven instead of spreading false teaching, we would be happy to help you locate one in your area.  Our e-mail is

Preying Preacher pt. 2

Monday, December 12, 2016

(The following is a follow-up to Preying Preacher)

He says the Lord gave him a dream about me, and the Lord put us together; he has been a preacher for ten years… so he says.  I do love him, but I don’t know what to think.

In A Trap?

Dear In A Trap,

Anyone that tells you that they have had a vision from the Lord is lying to you.  1 Cor 13:8-10 says that all prophecy and visions have ceased now that we have the perfect Bible.  We have written on this topic extensively in “Three Cheers For Miracles” and “I Dreamed A Dream”.  You are being deceived into leading a sinful life.  This preacher is a charlatan and is wickedly conning you into a lascivious relationship.  No matter what he says, you must leave this relationship and never look back.  Sin is sin, no matter how he makes you feel.

Preying Preacher

Wednesday, December 07, 2016
Is it right for a married woman and a divorced preacher to be together?  The preacher says that they were put together even though the woman was and still is married.  They’ve been together six months.  Her divorce comes up May 4th.  The preacher is divorced because his ex-wife committed adultery more than once… what to do?  Just want to do God’s will and live right.  Help.


Dear Spectator,

If the woman is married – she needs to stay away from this preacher and any other man other than her husband (1 Cor 7:2).  It seems pretty clear that this preacher isn't paying attention to Scriptures if he is dating a married woman.  Even if she is currently separated from her husband... she is still married and should be trying to reconcile if at all possible (1 Cor 7:10-11).  This is not a man of God and not the kind of man she should be involved with.  In our experience, these types of men prey upon vulnerable women and use God's word as a veil for deceit and lust.  Remember that the devil's workmen disguise themselves as servants of light (2 Cor 11:14-15).


Thursday, December 01, 2016
If you do not have a present to give to the pastor, are you cursed?


Dear Hexed,

Absolutely not.  Any church that places higher value upon members who contribute more money are in direct violation of Scriptures.  James taught that we should not show partiality between the rich and the poor (Jas 2:1-4).  It is wrong to treat poor christians like lower class citizens because the poor saints are often the very same people who are the richest in faith (Jas 2:5).  A church that is constantly soliciting money from people to the point of shaming them is of the devil.  Christ condemned the Pharisees for "devouring widows' houses" (Mk 12:40) and commanding people to neglect their families by giving to religion before providing for their own (Mk 7:9-13).  You are not cursed if you are unable to give a present to the pastor... he is cursed if that is the teaching he is giving you.

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