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Doctorate In Delusion

Monday, September 23, 2013
I am a student at a university.  Why does it seem that God is "far away" from places such as universities?  I know it sounds dreadful, but seeing what young people do these days, one cannot but wonder where everything is going.  Please help.  Kind regards.

A Student

Dear A Student,

God is far away from universities because God isn’t wanted at most universities.  The average college teaches evolution, political correctness, and religious diversity.  There is no room for the one and only Jesus (Jhn 14:6) in an atmosphere that proclaims “live and let live”.

Colleges routinely promote promiscuity under the guise of “safe sex”.  Substance abuse is accepted and oftentimes promoted.  In short, everything anti-christian finds a home in these collegiate environments.  Modern campuses are simply reenacting the story of Rom 1:18-32.


Saturday, September 21, 2013
Does it work for a christian to be a cheerleader?  Some people say it's wrong, but I don’t know.

Cheery Disposition

Dear Cheery Disposition,

The Bible never specifically says anything about cheerleading, but we can look at verses that may be pertinent.  There are certain things associated with cheerleading that must be considered before deciding whether or not it is appropriate.  The biggest issue to consider is modesty.  Many cheerleading uniforms are designed to be immodest – this is wrong (1 Tim 2:9).  Furthermore, many of the moves, kicks, and tosses involved in cheerleading inappropriately expose a cheerleader’s body and are meant to be sensual.  Cheerleading hasn’t always been this way, but unfortunately, in today’s society, cheerleading has become very inappropriate.  Pr 11:22 says that a godly woman should show discretion – cheerleading is often anything but discrete.  Instead of letting their inner character adorn them (1 Pet 3:3-4), many young women are being taught that beauty is only skin deep.  Modern cheerleading continues to further that shallow and ungodly worldview.

Hate Happenings

Thursday, September 05, 2013
Recently, given all the major events that have been happening here in the U.S., I have gotten a sense that hate and intolerance are swirling up around all of us and that a lot of us who are christians are not seeing it.  I know what the Bible says about some of these issues, but the way that some of these issues are handled just makes me very sad, and I wonder if God would agree with how they are handled.  I hope I'm making sense; I'm just very, very conflicted and frankly becoming very disillusioned with the speed in which this hate is building.  I feel that just because a person is of a different orientation, a foreigner, or has different religious views, it doesn't give us the right to treat them like they are not humans.  Like I said, I know what the Bible says about these matters, but I guess my question is: does it make me a bad person to be a christian and feel opposed to wanting to condemn these people?

Peace Pusher

Dear Peace Pusher,

The idea of religious tolerance is a new age concept, not a biblical one.  Jesus had zero tolerance for false religion (Matt 23:15).  Jesus taught that there is only one way to heaven – Him (Jhn 14:6).  Those who don’t serve God already stand condemned by the Scriptures (Jhn 3:18).

Christians should always be careful with the language and attitude they take towards others (1 Pet 2:12).  Christians should never be mean or evil with their speech.  Our words should always be seasoned with grace (Col 4:6).  However, being kind doesn’t mean tolerating false religion, homosexuality, abortion, etc.  It is possible to avoid hate and also draw a line in the sand… Jesus did.

Someone To Tell

Tuesday, August 27, 2013
I was just curious.  What exactly does the Bible mean when it speaks of confessing our sins to one another?  When is it proper to confess to one another the sins we have committed?  When is it improper or excessive (if it can be so)?  When is it that this needs to be done?

Confessionally Concerned

Dear Confessionally Concerned,

We must confess all of our sins to God (1 John 1:9) and be prepared to get help with our faults from other christians (Jas 5:16). When James talks about confessing sins to each other, he is talking in the context of prayer. His point is that when someone prays for you as you struggle with sin, that prayer will make an immense difference. He is not stating that you have to announce every single sin you have ever committed to each and every christian you meet.

There are definitely times to tell another person about your sin.

  1. If you have sinned against them, you must admit it and ask for forgiveness (Lk 17:3-4).
  2. If you believe the knowledge of your previous sin will help them (1 Tim 1:15-16).
  3. If you are struggling with a sin and need help (Jas 5:16, Eccl 4:9).
  4. If it would be deceptive to not reveal the sin (1 Jhn 1:8).

All of those situations constitute an appropriate time to confess your sins to another person. God doesn’t call us to parade our past sins before all we meet, but there is a time to own up to our faults before both man and God.

Just Passing Through

Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Is it wrong for someone to go to Las Vegas?  I mean, is Las Vegas really “Sin City”?  I lived in Jacksonville, Florida, and it’s turning into a sin city.

Citizen Sorrow

Dear Citizen Sorrow,

It isn’t wrong to travel to Las Vegas, but many of the reasons people go to Las Vegas are sinful.  Gambling and prostitution are two of the biggest draws to Las Vegas, and both are wrong.  Prostitution is clearly condemned in the Scripture (Pr 23:27-28), and gambling is also spoken against (read “Gambling” for further details).  Like righteous Lot living in Sodom and Gomorrah, righteous people can (and do) live in Las Vegas, but they are constantly vexed by the evils they see (2 Pet 2:7).

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