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“Take Two”

If someone is filled with the Holy Ghost and turns back on God in anger, transgresses, and falls back into a life of sin, do they have to be baptized again?

Double Take

Dear Double Take,

We are only commanded to be baptized once because baptism is a burial with Christ (Rom 6:3-4).  After baptism, we must learn to walk in our new life.  You don’t need to be baptized again, but you do need to confess your sins to God (1 Jn 1:9) and repent of them (Acts 8:22).  When a member of the Corinthian church fell away and later repented, the church was simply told to once again embrace him as a brother (2 Cor 2:6-8).  There are no cases in the New Testament of re-baptism for those who have fallen away.