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Ask Your Preacher - Archives

“Love You To Death”

Sorry for bothering you with all my questions, but I am seeking God, and I want to know what’s right and wrong.  The other day in class, they asked us if we would die for another person.  My answer was: if Jesus died for us, why can't we die for another person?  Some people told me that it’s not good to die for others, only Jesus or God.  Is this true?

A Giver

Dear A Giver,

You aren’t bothering us at all!  This website is exactly for people like yourself who want Bible answers to life’s questions.

It would be wrong to die for someone if you were worshipping that person or if you died simply because they told you to… but we are pretty sure that isn’t what you are asking about.

Sacrificing your life to save another’s is a godly, selfless, and heroic act.  Jesus said there is no greater act of love than to lay down your life for another (Jhn 15:13).  The apostle John specifically said that we should be ready to lay down our lives for other christians (1 Jn 3:16).  The apostle Paul thanked Priscilla and Aquila for risking their lives on his behalf (Rom 16:3-4).  Every day, christian firefighters, police officers, etc. put their lives on the line for others.  Someone that willingly sacrifices themselves to save others’ lives is a true hero.