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“Taking Care Of Yourself”

Is it wrong to go to a different church than your husband?  If I cannot convince my husband that the church we're attending isn't 'feeding' me anything and it's more of a social occasion than learning about God's Word, is it okay to go to a church I'm being led to attend?  My husband is a good man, but he goes to church to see other people, especially the men's breakfast before church where he 'cheats' on his doctor's orders to not eat doughnuts, sausage, etc.  I know he's not going to learn more about living under God's Word because he usually nods off within two or three minutes of the preaching!  So, as a wife, am I supposed to keep going to this lukewarm church, or can I go to another church I feel like I should be going to and pray for him to feel a desire to follow me??

The Good Wife

Dear The Good Wife,

God makes it clear that we each have an individual responsibility to work out our own salvation (Php 2:12).  Only one relationship is more important than your marriage… your relationship with God.  In a perfect world, you and your husband would both seek the Lord with equal vigor and passion, but unfortunately it doesn’t sound like that is the case.  You have a higher responsibility to God above anyone else.  You must subject yourself to God’s wishes before your husband’s (Mk 12:28-30).