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“Head To Head”

My husband and I have been together now for five years.  He has always believed that he makes all the decisions for the household, and it is that way because he is the man.  He believes that even if I disagree with a decision that he is making, my job is to support him (even if it against what Christ intends) and be good with it.  I want to be the woman that God created me to be, but I have a real hard time keeping my mouth shut when he makes really dumb decisions about things that I know are going to mean disaster for not only our marriage, but for our children, too.  Even when I make a stand and say to him that what he is doing is a bad idea for the family and is wrong in Christ's eyes, he gets mad and tells me to shut up and that I should just stand beside him no matter what.  What Scriptures can I look up to find the strength to keep quiet and be good with his decisions no matter what?

Frustrated And Struggling

Dear Frustrated And Struggling,

You should always obey Christ before your husband.  Every thought and behavior should be mastered and made to obey Christ (2 Cor 10:5).  If your husband desires for you to do something that is wrong… you have every right to stand up to him and say, “No.”  Christ knew that the gospel would be divisive at times (Matt 10:34-36).  Ultimately, we must choose Christ above all others (Matt 10:37).

You are right to obey your husband (1 Pet 3:1), but he is also bound to show you love and gentleness (1 Pet 3:7).  A godly marriage is built upon both spouses choosing to serve the Lord first – and then each other.  Show strength to yield when the issue isn’t a moral one, but show strength to stand firm when it is a matter of Bible truth.