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“Family Friction”

I don't like the person that my sister has become.  I have a hard time being around her and would prefer not to see her.  The problem is that my mother lives with me, and she would really like to see my sister.  Should I speak up or just grin and bear it?

Sour Sis

Dear Sour Sis,

There may be a time for you to confront your sister if you feel she is living a sinful lifestyle (Matt 18:15).  However, you haven’t given us specific enough information to determine whether you are talking about sin or merely a personality conflict.  Remember that you can always be kind and generous to people… regardless of how they behave.  Jesus commends us to that kind of loving behavior (Matt 5:38-42).  Love is doing what is in someone’s best interest – love is a choice.  You can even love your enemies (Lk 6:35)… if you can do that, you certainly can love your sister.