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“Mr. Or Mrs. M.D.”

What is God’s view on opposite sex doctors?

Making An Appointment

Dear Making An Appointment,

The Bible gives no specific view on opposite sex doctors.  There is debate amongst brethren over that particular issue.  The concerns that it brings up are modesty (1 Tim 2:9) and sexual purity (1 Cor 6:18).  However, very few people would consider seeing a doctor an issue of sexual morality, and dealing with nakedness in front of a doctor doesn't exactly fit the common pattern of a modesty issue.  Ultimately, this is a conscience issue.  Some people do not feel that they can in good conscience see a doctor of the opposite gender... while others will be unbothered by it.  We must be careful to always obey our own consciences (Rom 14:23) and not condemn other brethren who make a different decision in issues such as this (Rom 14:3-4).