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“My Sister's A Shaman”

My 46-year-old sister has been caught up in a group of new age shamans.  She has taken all the classes and is now involved in some things they call “soul retrieval” and “journeying”.  Both delve into the spirit world.  She claims to talk to spirits and my deceased mother.  Whenever I see her, I get a very uneasy creepy feeling.  I am at the point where I can’t stand to be around her or look at her.  I want to be a good sister and christian, but I don't know what I should do.  She knows that I think what she is involved in is wrong and thinks it is funny.  She says she believes in God, but I feel what she is involved in is not right.  Not sure how to handle this anymore.  Any suggestions?  Thank you.

My Soul Doesn’t Need Retrieving

Dear My Soul Doesn’t Need Retrieving,

If she thinks your religious differences are funny, religion is not something she is taking very seriously at this stage of her life.  Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me” (Jhn 14:6).  Jesus is an exclusive Savior; He leaves no room for other gods or forms of worship.  Your sister needs be only mildly interested in spiritual things to recognize the differences between the Bible and her occult practices.  The fact that she is amused by your discomfort makes it clear that she is not interested in discussing the topic with you.  Unfortunately, the only option you have is to back off and “not throw your pearls before swine” (Matt 7:6).  Maybe someday she will change her attitude and be more receptive to God’s Word.  Until then, be cordial but as distant as you need to be to feel that you are keeping “good company” (1 Cor 15:33).