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Keep Me Out Of The Cage!

Friday, July 15, 2016
The UFC on TV (cage fighting)… I think it is horrible that they put two guys in a cage to fight each other and for them to beat the snot out of each other while the women and men in the crowd applaud and cheer; that is so horrible to watch.  The fighting cage looks like the devil den or something. They beat each other so badly that sometimes it’s fatal; I was wondering if this horrible thing is a sin.

Not A Fighter

Dear Not A Fighter,

The Bible has no problem with organized, competitive sports – even boxing and wrestling, but there is a line between sportsmanship and savagery.  Paul uses boxing as an analogy for Christianity (1 Cor 9:26-27)… implying that there is no problem with boxing, wrestling, and other combat sports.  Therefore, it would be wrong to make a blanket statement that all combat-related sports are sinful.

However, we must also balance that knowledge with other teachings on the subject of human life and violence.  Every human is made in the image of God (Gen 1:27), and every life is precious.  The Scriptures condemn flagrant violence (Gen 6:11-13, Pr 3:31) and careless attitudes towards human life.  There is a point where healthy competition morphs itself into animal savagery.  It is important that we always keep these concepts in mind when dealing with modern entertainment innovations.

Day 142 - Psalm 88

Thursday, July 14, 2016

5 minutes a day 5 days a week - a year of Bible Wisdom

The New You

Thursday, July 14, 2016
How do I help my family to forgive me when they see the way I used to be?  They think I’m just using God, but I’m not.  I asked Jesus to come into my life and forgive me of my sins.

A Different Me

Dear A Different Me,

Forgiveness comes easier to God than it does to humans (Ps 86:5).  Family members have an especially hard time accepting change in their relatives.  Jesus said it best when He told His hometown and relatives that, “a prophet is not without honor, save in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house” (Mk 6:4).  It will always take longer for relatives to let go of old wounds and heal.  As the old saying goes: time heals all wounds.

Continue to take the steps to serve God.  We recommend you read through various articles in the Salvation Category (especially articles like “What Must I Do To Be Saved”).  Hopefully, these will help you as you move forward.  Let your light shine (Matt 5:16), and over time, your family will see the differences and come to accept the new you.

Day 141 - Psalm 87

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

5 minutes a day 5 days a week - a year of Bible Wisdom

Our Racial Roots

Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Is it a sin for there to be mixed couples (and to dislike mixed couples) because everywhere I go I see it… mostly white girls with black guys, and I cannot help not getting angry; I feel that this is wrong.  If God wanted mixed couples, He would have made Adam and Eve mixed.

Oil And Water

Dear Oil And Water,

It is a sin to dislike “mixed” couples… and yes, you can help it and not get angry.  In the beginning, God made Adam and Eve (Gen 1:26-27).  From Adam and Eve, every race and skin color was created.  Eve is the mother of all living (Gen 3:20).  If we believe the Biblical account of Creation (and we should!), then all of us are equal descendants of Adam and Eve.  We are all “mixed” and have been since the start of the human race.  There is absolutely ZERO Biblical justification for racism.  In Christ, all are equal (Col 3:10-11).

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