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“Our Racial Roots”

Categories: GRAB BAG
Is it a sin for there to be mixed couples (and to dislike mixed couples) because everywhere I go I see it… mostly white girls with black guys, and I cannot help not getting angry; I feel that this is wrong.  If God wanted mixed couples, He would have made Adam and Eve mixed.

Oil And Water

Dear Oil And Water,

It is a sin to dislike “mixed” couples… and yes, you can help it and not get angry.  In the beginning, God made Adam and Eve (Gen 1:26-27).  From Adam and Eve, every race and skin color was created.  Eve is the mother of all living (Gen 3:20).  If we believe the Biblical account of Creation (and we should!), then all of us are equal descendants of Adam and Eve.  We are all “mixed” and have been since the start of the human race.  There is absolutely ZERO Biblical justification for racism.  In Christ, all are equal (Col 3:10-11).