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Giving Back

Tuesday, February 21, 2017
I have been studying the topics of repentance and restitution.  It is clear that God expected restitution in the Old Testament – Deu 22:19, 22:29 Neh 5:10-11, Lev 24:18, Ex 21:32, Ex 22 to name a few, but I find only one scripture in the New Testament (Luke 19:8-9 about Zaccheus).  And he was not under the New Covenant at the time.  So I am not sure it really proves God's will on restitution today.  What is the New Testament teaching on restitution?  If someone repents of stealing, cheating, destroying others’ property, etc., are they required to right the wrong to the degree that they can?  Or as the one sinned against, are we to "turn the other cheek, go the extra mile, hand over the other cloak", forgive and not ask restitution?

Pay Back

Dear Pay Back,

If christians are sinned against, we should turn the other cheek and go the extra mile (Matt 5:39-42).  When a christian repents of stealing, cheating, etc., first and foremost, he must steal no more (Eph 4:28).  However, repentance involves more than just stopping a behavior – repentance is a change of mindset.  As you mentioned, Zacchaeus epitomized that heart of repentance (Lk 19:7-9).  The Bible never specifically says how much a christian should do to make restitution… and it would be unwise to make specific rules where the Lord hasn’t.  Many concepts in the Bible are a matter of principle and not a specific rule.  As we try to imitate Christ (1 Cor 11:1), issues like these often come down to simply asking the question, “What would Jesus do?”  Genuine repentance leads to a desire to rectify our wrongs whenever such means are possible.

Hard Times

Friday, February 10, 2017
I am a born again christian, and I find myself unemployed just like a lot of others in this country and world.

I am having a hard time getting another job and have tried since early April.  I was always taught that God would protect and help His own, so now I am becoming fearful of losing everything and the house as well.

My question (I guess) is: why would God allow the suffering and ruin of His children?  I am beginning to feel like a failure in life and to God.

Will Work For Food

Dear Will Work For Food,

Suffering occurs for multiple reasons.  Good people suffer because it makes them stronger and increases their hope and desire for heaven (Rom 5:3-4).  God uses trials to mold us into the people we ought to be (Heb 12:6-7).  God never promises that we will be wealthy in this life, but He does promise to take care of us (Ps 37:25).

As long as we live on this planet, we will suffer.  Sin introduced death (Gen 2:17), disease (Matt 4:23), violence (Gen 6:11), heartache (Pr 13:12), bitterness (Acts 8:23), etc. into this world.  This world is full of all sorts of terrible things, but God promises if we live faithfully, He will cause even the hardest circumstances to turn out for our good (Rom 8:28).  Ultimately, our hope and peace isn’t in this world (Heb 11:13-16).  Hang in there, draw close to God, and may His Word be your strength in this time of need (Ps 119:28).

Love You To Death

Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Sorry for bothering you with all my questions, but I am seeking God, and I want to know what’s right and wrong.  The other day in class, they asked us if we would die for another person.  My answer was: if Jesus died for us, why can't we die for another person?  Some people told me that it’s not good to die for others, only Jesus or God.  Is this true?

A Giver

Dear A Giver,

You aren’t bothering us at all!  This website is exactly for people like yourself who want Bible answers to life’s questions.

It would be wrong to die for someone if you were worshipping that person or if you died simply because they told you to… but we are pretty sure that isn’t what you are asking about.

Sacrificing your life to save another’s is a godly, selfless, and heroic act.  Jesus said there is no greater act of love than to lay down your life for another (Jhn 15:13).  The apostle John specifically said that we should be ready to lay down our lives for other christians (1 Jn 3:16).  The apostle Paul thanked Priscilla and Aquila for risking their lives on his behalf (Rom 16:3-4).  Every day, christian firefighters, police officers, etc. put their lives on the line for others.  Someone that willingly sacrifices themselves to save others’ lives is a true hero.

The Clothes Make The Man

Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Okay.  I have a question.  I live in a part of the country where, in the summertime, it gets very hot.  My question is this: I have worn a nice looking Hawaiian-style short-sleeved shirt and a pair of neat, clean, pressed khaki shorts to church on more than one occasion.  The shorts come to mid-calf, just below the knees.  So, what are your thoughts about this?  I personally don't see anything wrong with it – after all, I don't worry what other people think; I am at church to worship God.  I am a 6’ 1 ½” tall male.

A Tall Drink Of Water

Dear A Tall Drink Of Water,

What clothing we should wear is an issue of modesty and respectability.  Christians need to wear enough clothing so that they aren’t revealing too much of their bodies… it is shameful to show your nakedness (Rev 3:18).  Furthermore, we must dress in a way that is honorable in the sight of all men (Rom 12:17).  In some cultures and parts of the globe, wearing pressed khaki shorts with a Hawaiian shirt is perfectly respectable for worship services; in other areas, it would be considered disrespectful, too casual, and irreverent.  Christians should strive to be “all things to all men”, so we might influence others (1 Cor 9:22).  Modesty is about trying to avoid dressing indecently and letting our clothes send the right message about our priorities (1 Tim 2:9-10).  You will have to decide whether or not your current dress code matches these biblical principles.

Logical Love

Monday, October 24, 2016
The New Testament commandment from Jesus states, "Love God with all your mind, heart, and soul and your neighbor as yourself, and upon these two commandments hang all the law".  Our personal love is not equal or relative to God’s love.

How can I love my fellow man when my fellow man hates me?  I am missing something here.  It seems it is impossible for me to personally love someone else because it is a material love.

My argument is that God’s love is absolute spiritual love and not our material love.  I believe that spiritual love is an emotional love which comes from the heart, not the mind.

Does love work from the head as well as the heart?  How do I know the Holy Spirit’s voice is talking to me from my mind?

An Emotional Believer

Dear An Emotional Believer,

The Holy Spirit speaks to you through the Bible (1 Cor 2:11-13, Jhn 14:26), and the Bible teaches that true love is an intellectual decision, not merely an emotion.  The Greek language (the language of the New Testament) has several words that fit the English description of ‘love’.

  1. ‘Philos’ is the word for friendly love, companionship, and loyalty.  This is the type of love shared between friends, comrades, and family.
  2. ‘Eros’ is the word for passion and romantic love.  This is the type of love that is used to describe sensual attraction or longing.
  3. ‘Agape’ is the word used for honored love.  This type of love is sacrificial and places the person or object in a position of honor.  Agape love does what is in the best interest of the other person.

The love that Christ commands us to have is ‘agape’ love.  It may be impossible for you to have friendly feelings toward your enemies, but you can still choose to treat them in an honorable way (Lk 6:27).  Paul says that when we do good things to our enemies, we shame them and heap burning coals upon their heads (Rom 12:20).  Agape love overcomes evil with good (Rom 12:21).  Agape love is a choice, a decision of the mind to place others’ needs before your own (Rom 12:10).

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