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Polishing The Resume

Tuesday, January 02, 2018
If my job requires me to take care of a person who is a heavy drinker and curses a lot (and has people around her that do the same things), and I’m a christian, am I wrong to continue to work for her?  Should I seek other employment that does not have those things around me on a daily basis?

In Dicey Company

Dear In Dicey Company,

Every circumstance is different, but there are two Bible principles that can help you prayerfully decide to stay or seek other employment.

  1. God says that bad company corrupts good morals (1 Cor 15:33).  The people we spend time around do influence us, and if we are constantly choosing to fill our lives with people that have low moral standards, it will hinder our spiritual growth.
  2. As long as we are in this world, we will always be surrounded by a certain level of iniquity and sinful behavior.  The apostle Paul said that it is impossible to get away from all worldly people (1 Cor 5:9-10).  Jesus went so far as to remind faithful people that unbelievers are spiritually sick and need the example and truth that faithful people have to offer (Lk 5:31-32).  We are supposed to let our light shine in this dark and weary world (Matt 5:16).

As you can see, it all comes down to balancing these two principles.  Make sure that you are exerting an influence on your employer… not the other way around.  If the situation is really too bad to deal with and it is pulling you away from God – make plans to change jobs.  However, if you feel like there is good left to be done and you aren’t being corrupted – stay and let your light shine.

Home Alone

Thursday, October 19, 2017
Hi.  I have this issue of feeling alone.  I'm twenty-six and male, and never have I once had a relationship with a woman.  I'm extremely lonely to the point where I would throw myself in a bad experience just to validate my existence.  I pray every night to God for help.  I usually get so lonely I end up committing sins like porn, masturbation, etc.  It's not because I want to; it’s because I do it out of habit from being alone for so long.  The longer I wait, the more I think my soul mate doesn't exist.  Every time I think I have a chance with someone, I always find out they’re in a relationship, etc.  I love God, and even with my flaws, God is with me.  It's just that I feel deep loneliness and a longing for companionship.


Dear Alone,

You have eloquently articulated what is the root of your problem – loneliness.  Now it is time to take charge of your life and remove that loneliness.  When we desperately want a spouse, we can sometimes become myopic and forget that dating isn’t the only way to fill our lives with friendship.  The problem is loneliness; the solution is to get involved in peoples’ lives.  God tells us to replace bad habits with good ones (Lk 11:24-26).  By your own admission, you have the habit of being alone.  Get involved in the lives of others – go to church (we can help you find a faithful one in your area), socialize with people your age, hang out in public places like Starbucks instead of lingering alone at home, volunteer at local non-profit organizations like the food bank or the animal shelter.  In short, get out and get active.  You have no control over whether or not you are in a romantic relationship, but you have a great deal of control over how active your life is.

All My Children Pt. 3

Monday, October 16, 2017

(This question is a follow-up to “All My Children Pt. 2”)

Thanks for the explanation about Bible versions.  I still have another follow-up regarding the sons of God topic.  There are some people who believe that these sons of God are fallen angels, not men.  Then comes Matthew 22:30, stating angels don't marry, but some argue that Matthew was referring only to angels in heaven, like it says in the verse, not fallen angels, so this does not apply to fallen angels.  Two questions: How would you counter this argument about sons of God being angels, and what does Matthew 22:30 really say about angels whether in heaven or fallen?

Text Perplexed

Dear Text Perplexed,

The viewpoint that the “sons of God” in Gen 6:2 are fallen angels is best argued by reminding them that if you are going to say that there are people on this planet that are genetically part angelic being… you’d better be able to back it up!  The responsibility is theirs to prove they are right – not ours to disprove it.  Gen 6:2 is only one verse that can be taken either way (as we mentioned in the previous post “All My Children”).  If angels really did intermarry with humans, there would have to be other, clearer verses that specifically state that humans are related to angels.  The fact is there are verses that talk about angels and people… Heb 2:9-18 clearly states that humans and angels aren’t made the same, and they aren’t related to one another.

Which also answers your second question – Matt 22:30 simply says that angels don’t marry – simple as that.

Digital Gossip

Monday, September 25, 2017

Is gossiping good or bad (like, if on a blog, it says stuff about people that they said… true facts)?

Facebook Friend

Dear Facebook Friend,

Gossip is always wrong, but we must clearly define what the word ‘gossip’ means and what the Bible says about it.  The word ‘gossip’ in the Bible means a ‘whisperer’ or a ‘secret slanderer’.  Rom 1:28-29 says that being a gossip is a sin worthy of death.  2 Cor 12:20 points out that gossip is divisive and destructive.  A gossip is someone that is involved in other people’s business – a busybody (1 Tim 5:13).  Whether on a blog, between two neighbors, or amongst the closest confidantes, when we talk about others in a disparaging way (even if it is true) for no purpose other than to flatter ourselves as being “in the know” or to receive attention – it is a sin (Pr 11:13).  A gossip wounds others with their words and doesn’t give them a chance to defend themselves (Pr 18:8).  Gossip always hurts someone, and the only way to stop the pain is to avoid gossip and avoid those who practice gossip (Pr 26:20).

No Photography, Please

Friday, July 14, 2017
My question has to do with being a photographer.  If I work for a company that sends me out on assignment to photodocument an event such as a swimsuit competition, would that be wrong?  And if it is, what about going to the beach?  Should we not do that either?  Thank you.

Confused Photographer

Dear Confused Photographer,

We live in a fallen world where sin is constantly around us, but that doesn’t mean we should be active participants in it (Eph 5:11).  You are absolutely correct that you will find a lot of sinful behavior and immodest dress at the beach, but existing in the same place as that behavior is a lot different than documenting it for publication in a positive light.  Newspaper photographers are put in a billion different situations that bring up moral questions.  The key is to ask yourself, “Am I in a position where I am participating in or furthering immoral behavior?” (2 Cor 6:14)  Considering the purpose and goal of swimsuit competitions... your answer would probably be, “Yes, I am furthering immoral behavior” in this circumstance.

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