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Proven Record

Friday, February 14, 2014
How do we know that God is always just?

Fair Question

Dear Fair Question,

We know God is a just God because the Bible is a record of God’s decisions and behavior.  We know God is fair because Jesus is God (Jhn 1:1), and we can see the way He lived His life on this planet.  There was never a better, kinder, more trustworthy person on this planet than Jesus.  God’s track record speaks for itself.

Safety Of Hearth & Home

Monday, February 10, 2014
Is using deadly force ever justifiable in defense of self or family?  If there were ever a situation where there was complete societal breakdown (no government or police), food and water became scarce, and armed looters and gangs searching for food became a real threat to your family, would you be morally responsible to defend your family by any means necessary?  Would God expect you to turn the other cheek or fight for survival?

Getting Prepared

Dear Getting Prepared,

When the Bible commands us to not kill, the word used for ‘kill’ is the word that we would use for ‘murder.  Some of the most faithful men in the Bible were soldiers and had to kill people in the defense of their country.  David was a man after God’s own heart (1 Sam 13:14), and yet David killed many people as a soldier.  Jesus marveled at the faith of a centurion soldier (Matt 8:8-10).  The first Gentile convert was Cornelius, a well-known Roman soldier (Acts 10:22).  When a group of soldiers asked John the Baptist what they needed to do to live a faithful life, he told them to be honest and faithful… but he never told them to stop serving in the military (Lk 3:14).  These are all examples of the difference between murder and self-defense (or war-time killing).

In the Old Testament, God made specific rules that allowed an individual to kill if they were defending their home or family (Ex 22:2).  In Lk 22:35-39, Jesus tells His disciples that persecution will begin after He leaves and that they ought to “buy a sword” – this is certainly an endorsement of self-defense.  All of these point to the fact that God distinguishes between defensive force and vigilante murder.

Preachers Without Borders

Sunday, February 09, 2014
Why do Americans go outside the United States on mission trips when I feel it is needed more in the United States?

Worker At Home

Dear Worker At Home,

There is a need for the gospel in every corner of the globe.  Jesus told His disciples to spread the news from every housetop and in every street (Matt 10:27).  God doesn’t desire that any should perish (2 Pet 3:9).  We couldn’t agree more that the gospel needs to be preached in the United States, but the United States doesn’t need the saving Word of Jesus any more than other nations.  It isn’t a matter of exclusively preaching in America or exclusively preaching outside of America… both are necessary.  Jesus' Word is intended to turn the whole world upside down (Acts 17:6).

Sin's Roots

Friday, February 07, 2014
What was the first sin that was committed?

Back To The Beginning

Dear Back To The Beginning,

The first sin was committed by Adam and Eve.  The word ‘sin’ means ‘to miss the intended mark’.  Whenever someone does something that differs from God’s commands, they commit a sin.  When God placed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, He commanded them to never eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gen 2:16-17).  The devil deceitfully tempted Eve, and eventually Adam, to eat from the tree (Gen 3:1-6).  Adam and Eve’s behavior introduced sin into a perfect world – that sin corrupted them, and the curse of sin corrupted the entire creation (1 Cor 15:22).

Is Ignorance Bliss?

Wednesday, February 05, 2014
What happens to the souls of people that have never heard the actual gospel of Jesus, and are they really ignorant of salvation, and, therefore, excused from hell?

Concerned For Others

Dear Concerned For Others,

God is the only one who can judge where someone’s eternal destination will be.  The Scriptures give us an insight into how the Great Judge will decide our verdict.  Here are some Scriptures to consider:

  1. Just because someone is ignorant, doesn’t mean they aren’t at fault.  God tells us that anyone who seeks the truth will find it (Matt 7:7-8).  The Bible is the most widely available book on the planet – just because someone hasn’t read it, doesn’t mean they didn’t have opportunity.
  2. People go to hell because of their sins (Rom 6:23), not because of Jesus.  Jesus’ death on the cross is a cure for mankind’s self-inflicted spiritual death sentence.  It is the same as a disease outbreak – the disease kills people, not the lack of a cure.  If Jesus had never come, and none of us had ever heard of Jesus, we would all have been lost.
  3. God tells us that everyone has been given enough information to seek Him.  Rom 1:20 says that the very beauty of the created universe speaks of God’s existence and leaves mankind without excuse.  God has provided an “all call” message anyone can hear through the wonder of His creation.
  4. God doesn’t desire anyone to perish (2 Pet. 3:9).  God won’t make any mistakes on the Day of Judgment, and no one will accidentally end up in heaven or hell.

As we said, God is the final judge.  We will all face Him when we die (Heb 9:27).  The best thing we can do is make sure we are prepared for that day.

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