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Closed Confessional

Sunday, May 04, 2014
How do you confess to God?  Do you have to confess in church, or can you do it in the comfort of your house?  What if you are not Catholic?  Will He still forgive you?

Where’s The Priest?

Dear Where’s The Priest,

The Bible teaches that we should confess our sins to God through prayer, and we should ask for forgiveness (1 Jn 1:9).  This is a simple process that can (and should) be done whenever we pray.  Jesus mentioned asking for forgiveness when He taught the disciples to pray (Lk 11:2-4).

The Catholic process of confession is very different from what you read in your Bible.  Catholicism teaches that many sins cannot be forgiven unless a priest hears your confession – this couldn’t be farther from the Bible truth.  Catholicism long ago departed from the Bible; the Catholic religion is based upon manmade teachings and traditions that have gone beyond what God wrote (1 Cor 4:6, Rev 22:18-19).


On The Line

Sunday, May 04, 2014
How much time should one pray, and if one doesn't pray, can they still work in the gifts?

Off The Clock

Dear Off The Clock,

We are never given a specific amount of time that we have to pray each day; we are simply told to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thess 5:17).  Prayer should be a normal, consistent, and regular part of your life.  Just like we make sure to stay in contact with our family and friends, we should make sure to stay in constant contact with our Father in heaven.  As the old adage goes, “Seven days without prayer makes one weak”.  Prayer is not only a command; it is a blessing from God.  It is a gift from our Father that He hears and answers our requests (Jas 1:5).

As far as the “gifts” that you mentioned, we are pretty sure that you are referring to miraculous spiritual gifts.  Some churches erroneously teach that God still allows people to speak in tongues, miraculously heal others, etc.  This isn’t true.  The spiritual gifts that the apostles and prophets had were for a limited time and for a specific purpose.  Read “Gifts That Stop Giving” for more details on the cessation of miracles.


Bundle Of Joy

Sunday, March 09, 2014
Will I be blessed with a kid soon?

Potential Parent

Dear Potential Parent,

We can’t give you the answer to that question – only God knows.  What we can tell you is that other faithful people have faced the same desire to conceive and wondered just as you do when that special blessing would come.  One of the greatest examples of this is Hannah.  In 1 Samuel 1:4-8, we see how desperately Hannah wanted a child, but yet she waited.  Hannah’s solution?  She prayed fervently to God (1 Sam 1:9-10).  God heard her prayer and eventually gave her that wonderful child she had prayed for (1 Sam 1:20). The power of prayer is incredible.  We can’t tell you when you will be blessed with a child (after all, we aren't prophets), but we can tell you that if you pray to the Lord, He is faithful and will cause all to work together for good (Rom 8:28).


Can't Touch This

Friday, October 25, 2013
Who has the right to touch someone and pray for them today?  There have been some that say that if there is sin in your life, even though you have repented of it, that you can't pray for someone who has asked for prayer.  They can't come to an agreement with others for the forgiveness of a brother or sister.  What do you think?  I can't find a particular Scripture to back this up.

Hands To Myself

Dear Hands To Myself,

If you are a christian, you have a right and responsibility to pray for yourself and others (1 Tim 2:1-3).  The Bible says that a righteous person’s prayer makes a difference (Jas 5:16).  The Bible makes no distinction between one christian’s prayer and another’s.  If you are a faithful christian (read “What Must I Do To Be Saved?” to make sure you have followed God’s plan to receive salvation), then you have a right to approach God in prayer and expect to be heard (1 Jn 5:14-15).

However, if you are actively engaged in a sinful lifestyle and are not living faithfully – your prayers will be hindered by sinful living (1 Pet 3:7).  Iniquity separates us from God (Isa 59:1-2) and hinders our prayers from being effective.

Making A House A Home

Sunday, October 06, 2013
I’m wondering whom I would go to, a priest or preacher, to pray about my new house that I am getting.

Mr. Buyer

Dear Mr. Buyer,

If you are living a faithful life, you should do the praying.  If you aren’t living a faithful life… your house won’t matter one way or the other (Mk 8:36-37).  God says that He clearly hears the prayers of the righteous (Pr 15:29), and He says those prayers make a difference (Jas 5:16-18).  The term ‘priest’ is a Bible word that is often misused by many false churches.  There is no such thing as special priests in the church.  In Christ, all christians are priests (1 Pet 2:9).  There is no need to seek some special religious leader to receive the blessing of prayer to God.  If you aren’t a christian or if you need a faithful church to gather with – e-mail us at, and we would be happy to help you in whatever way possible.

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