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“Family Matters”


I am the only Christian in my family and among most of my friends. I feel like I have a responsibility to let the ones I love know about God's Word, but I don't know how to do it without pushing it or feeling like an annoyance. The thought that my friends and family aren't going to heaven because I didn't bring it up breaks my heart. I also don't know how to tell them that Christ's church is different from other churches.

Sincerely, Letting My Light Shine

Dear Letting My Light Shine,

With some relationships, there isn’t much you can say; it is how you live that makes the impact. Even Jesus had struggles converting His family. His brothers initially mocked him for His teachings (Jhn 7:3-5). Jesus didn’t argue with them; He just kept on being Himself, and eventually his brother James, his brother Jude, and his mother are recorded as having been converted.

The problem with family is that they have seen you at your youngest and most immature. Your words don’t have the same impact with a parent that has changed your diapers. No matter how logical and right you might be, all they can think is, “This is my child” or “This is my kid brother/sister”. Jesus said that even a prophet doesn’t have respect in his hometown (Lk 4:24). Those who knew you before you became a christian will be very skeptical of anything you say. They will need to see the change in your life first.

Converting your family is very similar to converting a spouse. God says that if you have an unbelieving husband or wife, you should live with them and let your influence do the talking (1 Cor 7:12-16). Never compromise your morals and always stand up for what you believe in, but don’t force it upon them. Let time and influence do the work.

As for telling them the differences between Christ’s church and other churches? Your life, convictions, and consistency will show the difference. Remember, your loved ones know you better than anyone – they are watching to see if this new person you say you are is the real deal. You know it, and over time they will to.