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“Mean Girls?!”

Why are young girls so mean?  I never see any in church; they all go out and sin.  They all like bad things.  I remember reading in Matt 7:13 about the two gates; very few will enter into heaven, and many will enter in the gates of the bad places.  Therefore, what I understand, if I’m not wrong, is that more people will go down than up.

Angry Boy

Dear Angry Boy,

Ummm, we know many faithful young women who love the Lord and are very godly… our congregation is chock full of women, young and old, that honor the Lord and are shining lights of faith.  You have obviously had some bad experiences with women, and we are very sorry for your suffering, but we would caution you against lambasting all girls in your frustration with a few.  A good way to create a hostile relationship between you and women is to start out by telling them that you think they are all mean!  God urges us to always be careful to bridle our tongues (Jas 1:26).  Be slow to speak, slow to wrath, and swift to hear (Jas 1:19).

It is true that many people will not make it to heaven – wide is the gate to destruction (Matt 7:13).  However, from the context of your question, it sounds like you are trying to say that all young girls will go to hell – that is obviously wrong.  Women are equal heirs of salvation (1 Pet 3:7), and the Bible gives many examples of amazing women who have changed the course of history through their faithfulness.