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Complicating Matters

Friday, November 16, 2012
Can ethical demands of the kingdom be propositional rather than attitudinal?

The Scholar

Dear The Scholar,

Paul once said that the Word of God would never make much sense to most of the highly educated of this world because they would be too wrapped up in man’s wisdom to see the simplicity of God’s wisdom (1 Cor 1:18-21).  Your question reminds us of that passage.

What you are referring to are psychology terms that address whether a proposition (a true or false statement) is what matters or whether it is our attitude that matters (how I feel about something).  Mankind has often debated whether the Bible is a book of truth or only a book that addresses our attitudes and feelings.  The Bible is truth (Jhn 17:17).  God gave us a Bible that, regardless of how we feel, tells us how to live (Acts 5:20).  The Bible isn’t a matter of interpretation; it says what it says, and it means what it means (2 Pet 1:20-21).  We either listen to God, obey His Word, and go to heaven (Jhn 5:24)… or we don’t listen and go to hell (2 Pet 2:4-9).  It is what it is.

Am I Saved Yet?

Tuesday, November 13, 2012
I consider myself a Christian because I believe the Bible, and I believe that God sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for our sins.  In John 3:16, it says, “For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” Since I believe in this, doesn’t this mean that I will go to heaven?  I ask this because I have not been baptized, and since I believe all this, does not being baptized affect me from getting into heaven even though I believe Jesus is God’s Son?

Bone Dry

Dear Bone Dry,

Jhn 3:16 is a spectacular verse, but it is important to look at all the verses regarding salvation in order to understand what God says on the subject.  Ps 119:160 says that the "sum of God's Word is truth".  No one verse is more, or less, valuable than any other.

We must believe in God to be saved, but belief is not enough on its own.  Jas 2:19 states that the demons believe in God, but that isn't enough to save them.  We must confess Christ as Savior to be saved (Matt 10:32-33).  We must also repent of our sins to be saved (Acts 3:19).  'Repent' means 'change your mind'; we must change the way we think and act in the future, submitting our lives to God.  We must also be baptized to be saved (Acts 2:38, Mk 16:16, 1 Pet 3:21).  'Baptize' means 'immerse'; it is a burial in water that washes away our sins and gives us a new life in Christ (Rom 6:4).  After that, you must become part of a local congregation that is faithful to God and teaches His Word (Heb 10:24-25)

Yes, you must be baptized to become a Christian and go to heaven.  If you are looking for a congregation in your area that will teach you more on this subject and help you to become a Christian, we would be happy to assist you in finding one.  Simply e-mail us here at

Health Complications Pt. 2

Sunday, November 11, 2012

(This question is a follow-up to “Health Complications”.)

James 5:14 is a directive to the church. Jesus was not speaking to the church in Mk 2:17 because it hadn't been established yet. The question is, now that the church is established, are elders the only authorized men who can be called to attend a sick brother?

Feeling Ill

Dear Feeling Ill,

To say that Jesus’ words (Mk 2:17) don’t apply to individual Christians, and that Jas 5:14 does, sets a precedent that none of Jesus’ words are actually applicable to Christians because the church wasn’t in existence when Jesus spoke.  Jesus makes it clear that if we love Him, we will keep His words (Jhn 14:23).  You can’t just throw away a verse because it doesn’t match your argument… especially if that verse is from the Son of God’s mouth.

In The Name Of...

Wednesday, November 07, 2012
My husband is going to be baptized soon, and a relative told him to not let them baptize him in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  We have both always heard that that’s the right way to baptize.  What do you think about it?

Water Works

Dear Water Works,

That is exactly how you should be baptized.  ‘In the name of’ means ‘by the authority of’.  When someone is baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – they are being immersed in water by God's authority… as opposed to man's authority.  Acts 2:38 states that baptism forgives your sins, and 1 Pet 3:21 makes it clear that baptism by God's authority saves your soul.  When Jesus spoke to His apostles, He told them to make disciples and baptize those disciples in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matt 28:19).

Cryptological or Crypt-Illogical?

Monday, October 22, 2012
I am wanting to know what you think of "Bible Codes".  I have heard some things about them, and they seem to be very good at predicting events.  I can’t help but think that we are not supposed to be doing stuff like the “Bible code” and that we should just read the Bible the way it was written.  What do you think?

Cracking The Code

Dear Cracking The Code,

Yup, you got it right on the money.  When people try and decipher “secret” codes and hidden messages from the Bible, they are missing the point (as well as creating some ludicrous false prophecies!).  Paul said that the Bible was written, so that all could understand it, not just the intellectuals.  God wrote the Bible to be so straightforward that it almost seems foolishly simple (1 Cor 1:18-19).  Peter said that the Bible isn’t a matter of private interpretation (2 Pet 1:20).  There is no trick or fancy mathematical algorithm needed to decipher God’s Word.  God isn’t trying to confuse us (1 Cor 14:33).  When we read the Bible the way it was written, paying attention to context, and accepting it at face value, we are doing what God intended.  God wrote the Bible, so we might understand His will and have hope (Rom 15:4).

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