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“No End In Sight”

How do I know when my answer to prayer is "no" versus "not yet"?

This is a huge struggle for me, especially when the prayer has no time sensitivity.  How long do I continue praying on the subject matter?  Any insight you can provide would be greatly appreciated.


Dear RSVP,

Christ taught that we should feel free to pray for something until an obvious answer presents itself.  The key to understanding this topic is the parable of the unrighteous judge found in Lk 18:1-6.  Jesus told His disciples to pray to God like that widow begged the judge for assistance – beg until you get an answer.  God expects us to pray to Him constantly (1 Thess 5:17).  Many of our prayers have no obvious time sensitivity to them.  Think about the topics that we comfortably accept as lifetime prayers that never cease:

  1. For our children’s health and well-being – that prayer will last a lifetime.
  2. For our daily bread (Lk 11:3)
  3. For our long-term health
  4. For our leaders and national peace (1 Tim 2:1-2)

It is not a lack of faith to continue praying for something when the solution has yet to be revealed – it is an act of strong faith to continue to pray.