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“Never Give Up”

Categories: SALVATION
Well, I suppose my question would be this: we all sin after we find the saving grace of Jesus.  There are times when I have sinned again and again with the attitude "Jesus will forgive me", so in my mind, I rationalized that it would be okay.  The Bible often talks of deliberate sin as sin that sends us to hell, but if you think about it, most of us deliberately sin all the time.  There was one point a few months ago where I felt so amazingly close to God, but I let sin get the best of me.  I have since repented of that sin and am no longer enslaved by it, but I feel like it was my last real chance at salvation, and I turned away from Him and towards the devil.  According to Hebrews 10:26-29 and Hebrews 6:4-6, there is no longer a "sacrifice for sins" for me because I deliberately sinned again and again after knowing the truth and being in love with God.  I guess because of these scriptures and various others, I question my salvation.  I don't question my love for God.  I love God.  I want to serve God, but I question whether or not I have gone too far… whether I have left the reach of His grace and mercy because God is a just God.  When I consider Hebrews 12:16-17, I can’t help but feel that I have given up my inheritance (salvation) for food (the world) and that all my tears (repentance and sorrow) won’t bring it back.  I feel I have gone too far and that I have deliberately turned my back on God too many times.

Can’t Go Home Again

Dear Can’t Go Home Again,

As long as you are still sucking wind, there is time to repent and return to God (2 Cor 6:2).  The final judgment won’t be made upon your soul until you die (Heb 9:27).  God is always ready to forgive (Ps 86:5).

You are right that many of our sins are deliberate sins, but that simply means we need to deliberately repent.  Your life may (at times) resemble the man who repented of the same sin seven times in one day, but you must also remember that that man was forgiven (Lk 17:4).  God isn’t searching for perfection, but He does want genuine and sincere confession of our sin (1 Jn 1:8-10).  God desires a broken and contrite heart (Ps 51:17).  God won’t be deceived (1 Cor 6:9); if we try and live a duplicitous life, He will condemn us (Matt 6:24).  Strive for perfection (knowing you won’t achieve it), and remember that the Lord knows your heart (Acts 1:24).