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Ask Your Preacher - Archives

“Tripping Over Tribulations”

From little up, I have been taught that in the End Times, there would be a pre-tribulation Rapture of christians.  Lately, I have been reading internet articles by writers who believe that the Rapture of christians will be post-tribulation.  They quote many Scriptures that support their thinking.  Where are the Scriptures that support the pre-tribulation theory?  I am confused and disturbed.  Please help.

Confused And Disturbed

Dear Confused And Disturbed,

You, like so many others, are a victim of incorrect teaching regarding the book of Revelation.  The Scriptures never speak of a “rapture” event.  Every verse that is used to talk about a millennial tribulation or reign of Christ is a warping and perversion of the Scriptures.  The book of Revelation was a vision given to the apostle John that concerned the things “shortly to come to pass” (Rev 20:1) and events that were “at hand” (Rev 20:3).  We cannot explain the entire book in a short post, but we can direct you to our sermons and classes on this topic.  We have an entire series on Revelation taught by one of the AYP preachers that you can download as an mp3 or listen to online.  We highly recommend that you take advantage of this to see the entire book of Revelation in its proper context.