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“On The Line”

How much time should one pray, and if one doesn't pray, can they still work in the gifts?

Off The Clock

Dear Off The Clock,

We are never given a specific amount of time that we have to pray each day; we are simply told to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thess 5:17).  Prayer should be a normal, consistent, and regular part of your life.  Just like we make sure to stay in contact with our family and friends, we should make sure to stay in constant contact with our Father in heaven.  As the old adage goes, “Seven days without prayer makes one weak”.  Prayer is not only a command; it is a blessing from God.  It is a gift from our Father that He hears and answers our requests (Jas 1:5).

As far as the “gifts” that you mentioned, we are pretty sure that you are referring to miraculous spiritual gifts.  Some churches erroneously teach that God still allows people to speak in tongues, miraculously heal others, etc.  This isn’t true.  The spiritual gifts that the apostles and prophets had were for a limited time and for a specific purpose.  Read “Gifts That Stop Giving” for more details on the cessation of miracles.