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Ask Your Preacher - Archives

“Last Church Standing”

I have been struggling with what church to attend, my wife and son are not believers, and I am getting frustrated with going to a different church every weekend.  I love to be taught God’s Word, and would love to deepen my fellowship with Christ.  I just feel like giving up on everything about church.  I have prayed ‘til I am blue in the face.  Can you help?

End Of My Rope

Dear End Of My Rope,

Looking for a church that is trying to follow the New Testament pattern as closely as possible can be difficult because so many churches have strayed from the Scriptures. A congregation doesn’t need to be full of perfect people, but they need to be trying to faithfully follow God’s Word and not their own ideologies.

Our congregation here in Monroe goes by the name ‘Monroe Valley church of Christ’ because ‘church of Christ’ is a Biblical name for a congregation (Rom 16:16).  We worship by singing (Col 3:16), studying the Bible (1 Tim 4:13), praying (2 Thess 3:1), taking communion (only on Sundays – Acts 20:7), and taking up a collection (also only on Sundays – 1 Cor 16:1-2).  We teach that you must hear God’s Word (Rom 10:17), believe God’s Word (Jhn 3:16), repent of your sins (Mk 6:12), confess Jesus as your Savior (Lk 12:8), and be baptized to be saved (Acts 2:38, 1 Pet 3:21).  We do all these things because they are practices found in the Bible.  As you said, you don’t want to go to a church that offers their own thoughts – you want God’s thoughts.

There are other congregations like ours scattered across the country and the world.  Most of them use the name ‘church of Christ’, but then again, many churches that use that name aren’t faithful.  A Bible name for a church isn’t enough to make it faithful.  We have helped others, like yourself, looking for New Testament Christianity find faithful congregations in their area by contacting other preachers and christians that we know.  We’d be happy to do the same for you.  If you feel comfortable, just let us know what general area you live in, and we will try and get you in touch with a congregation that lives like your Bible reads (our e-mail is  It is frustrating, confusing, and exasperating to deal with denominationalism.  Thanks be to God that there is a better option!