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“Books And Bats”

What do I do if I need to play a sport to go to college, but my sport interferes with church?

Athletically Inclined

Dear Athletically Inclined,

Not attending services for four years while you are at a university isn’t an option; that definitely would fall under the category of forsaking the assembly (Heb 10:24-25).  However, there are other options at your disposal.  Some things to consider:

  1. You don’t need to play a sport to go to college.  Many faithful christians have paid their way through college without any problems.  If you can get a scholarship, wonderful… but don’t paint yourself into a corner by thinking that a sports scholarship is your only option for a college education.
  2. Many other christians have faced this same predicament and have found ways to make arrangements.  We even know of one former professional baseball player that made arrangements to never pitch on Sundays.  It isn’t necessarily an all-or-nothing arrangement.  Take it one day at a time (Matt 6:34), and don’t be afraid to stand your ground and negotiate – you never know what options might present themselves.
  3. This is an issue of wisdom, and anytime that you need to make wise decisions, it is a good idea to surround yourself with wise people.  There is safety in the multitude of counselors (Pr 11:14).  Make sure that before you make any big decisions, you ask advice from good, moral, and wise people.

At the end of the day, you have options.  We wish you the very best as you try and prioritize spiritual things in a physical world.