Ask Your Preacher - Archives

Ask Your Preacher - Archives

“Subtract The Ad”


To Our AYP Readers,

We’d like to answer a question that we get repeatedly at this site… but never post.  From time to time, our website is solicited by advertisers.  Companies offer to pay us money in order to put advertisements on AskYourPreacher.  As you have probably noticed, there are zero ads on AYP.  The reason we politely decline every time is because of Bible principle.  AskYourPreacher is run by the Monroe Valley church of Christ in Monroe, WA.  As a part of our congregation’s work, we aren’t trying to make money or increase revenue, we are trying to give honest Bible answers to people… free of charge.  We have no ulterior motives or hidden agendas.  God has designed for a local congregation to get its financial support from its membership (1 Cor 16:1-2).  We don’t use fundraisers, advertisement revenues, telethons, pledge drives, sales, etc. to fund the work here in Monroe… we simply don’t believe that is right.
Our congregation seeks to offer the Good News of Jesus Christ free of charge to those who are searching for it.  We try and get people in touch with other local congregations in their area when possible (after all, it is the world-wide web!), so our readers can grow and be supported by faithful churches.  We aren’t interested in your money; we are interested in your souls.  We believe firmly in doing Bible things the Bible way – and that includes how we run our finances.  So, we promise that you will always find our website ad-free.