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“Mediterranean Idol”

I know that by this time, I am really trying your patience, but you give me such true Bible information.  This time, please tell me about Isaiah 41.  Thanks in advance.

A Repeat AYPer

Dear A Repeat AYPer,

Isaiah 41 is the beginning of a discourse in the book of Isaiah that will continue through chapter 48.  Chapter 41 is a challenge by God to the idolatrous nations surrounding Israel (the people of the coastlands – Isa. 41:1).  God promises that they will soon be attacked and conquered by a nation from the east (Isa 41:2).  This nation will be Persia, led by King Cyrus (Isa 45:1).  Isaiah says that the nations will tremble when God sends Persia to attack (Isa. 41:5), but sadly, instead of turning to God, they will build more idols to help them (Isa 41:6-7).  God will use Persia to protect Israel and once again strengthen the nation (Isa 41:14-16).  In Isa 41:17-20, God promises to protect and provide His care to those who call upon Him.  And lastly, in Isa 41:21-29, God challenges the idols (and by implication, the idolatrous people) to see who is stronger.  If idols are real gods – they should have no problem protecting their followers.  Of course, they are not, and God’s sarcasm is clearly seen in this challenge to the idols made out of rocks and blocks of wood.