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“Mixed Signals”

When Jesus was speaking with His disciples and predicting His suffering, execution, and resurrection, Peter took Jesus aside and rebuked Him saying, "This shall not happen to You!"  Jesus responded by rebuking Satan when He says, "Get behind Me Satan!"  (Matthew 16:22-23).  So obviously, what Peter said was inspired by Satan.

Then, later on, the Scripture says that Satan entered into Judas; then Judas decided to betray Jesus into the hands of those who wanted to kill Him.  (Luke 22:3 - 5)

My question is this:  Why would Satan try to turn Jesus away from going to the cross through Peter… only to go into Judas to ensure that Jesus WOULD go to the cross?  I'd like your thoughts on this matter because I believe it's a pretty interesting question.

Motive Monitor

Dear Motive Monitor,

Satan is the author of lies and murder (Jhn 8:44).  If there is any chaos, damage, or trouble that the devil can cause God and His children… he’ll do it (1 Pet 5:8).  Satan tried to pit Peter against Jesus by getting him to rebuke Jesus, and he also tried to pit (successfully) Judas against Jesus by getting him to betray Jesus.  Satan sows discord wherever possible.  It is not necessary to have an overarching plan when you are causing trouble; all Satan has to do is throw a monkey wrench in the works wherever he can.  In fact, Satan didn’t even realize how Jesus was going to save mankind – even the angels were unaware of Christ’s plans (1 Pet 1:12).  Satan was just doing what he always does, trying to tear people away from God by whatever means possible.