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“No Exorcism Needed”

I was asked if demonic spirits can be transferred through clothing, objects, etc.  I know that a spirit needs a body to operate through, but what about things?  Doesn't it say in the Bible that Paul's handkerchiefs were laid on people for healing?  Please provide Scripture references.

Can’t Touch That

Dear Can’t Touch That,

We have absolutely no idea how demons transferred between bodies because the Bible never tells us, but you don’t need to worry about it because demons don’t possess people anymore.  There are lots of things about the spiritual realm (what God looks like, how heaven will operate, etc.) that God doesn’t explain to us… the secret things belong to God (Deu 29:29).  The details of demon possession are one of those secret things.

However, Jesus does tell us that demonic possession has been done away with.  When Jesus’ disciples were sent out to preach and perform miracles, they came back ecstatic that they were casting out demons (Lk 10:17).  Jesus told them that they were vanquishing Satan and his demons, and Satan was being cast down because of what they were doing (Lk 10:18).  Jesus and His disciples permanently destroyed Satan’s minions’ ability to possess people.  Once the demons were cast out – they were cast out for good (see the case of the demons cast into pigs as an example – Mk 5:11-13).  Thanks to Christ, we don’t have to worry about this issue today.