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“Ever Present Evil”

Where did Paul say in the Bible about when he tried to do good, evil was always there?  I have been trying to find that verse and cannot find it.  Help me, please.

Looking For The Good

Dear Looking For The Good,

The verses you are looking for are Rom 7:9-25.  In those verses, Paul is discussing what happened to him as he grew up as a child under the Old Testament law.  Even though he desired to live righteously, he often found himself sinning and being guilty under the law (Rom 7:15).  Even though he desired to be a righteous man, he had to admit that he had sinned and was worthy of death (Rom 7:22-24).  The Old Testament law taught people what was right, but it never provided a road to forgiveness after someone sinned.  It is only in Christ that there is atonement from sins and a way back to God (Rom 7:25).