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“More Job Training”

The book of Job, chapter 14:1-6: “A man is born of a woman.”  What do those verses mean?  Explain them to me please.

Guys And Dolls

Dear Guys And Dolls,

Job 14:1-6 is a continuation of Job’s explanation of the difficulty he faces in his circumstances.  Job is pointing out the shortness and strain of human life.  People are born, they live their short lives, and God determines the length of their days.  Everything Job says is true except for the sense of gloom and doom.  Though no one could blame Job for feeling so pessimistic about life, he is missing one important component of the human existence – hope.  Hope is God’s gift to the faithful that allows us to persevere and look forward to an eternal life in heaven (Rom 8:24, 1 Tim 4:10).