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“XY or XX?”

Is it unbiblical for a girl to baptize someone?  I do not believe there are any examples of it.  I assumed it would at least be okay for a girl to baptize another girl, but I do not believe there are any direct commands or similar examples.  I am not asking in terms of whether it would be acceptable if we were the last two people on the earth – but just in every day circumstances.  Thank you.

Not All Wet

Dear Not All Wet,

You are right that there are no examples of women baptizing anyone; however, we must also consider that what we know of baptism places zero emphasis upon the one doing the baptizing… all the emphasis is placed upon what happens to the one who is baptized.

Every time that baptism is mentioned in the New Testament, it addresses what happens to the person who is baptized.  All the requirements and blessings of baptism that are mentioned in the New Testament are directed at the one going under the water.  Some examples are:

  1. Buried in Christ (Rom 6:4)
  2. Required to do it in Jesus’ name (Acts 10:48)
  3. Must believe (Mk 16:16)
  4. Receive salvation (1 Pet 3:21)
  5. Must repent (Acts 2:38)

Although it is true that there is never an example of a female baptizing anyone, we would hesitate on being too dogmatic on the issue.  God seems to make it clear that He cares about the attitude, character, and choices of the one being baptized, not the one doing the baptizing.  Our opinion (emphasis upon opinion) is that if a man is able to do the baptism – he should, but it would be inappropriate to say that a baptism was illegitimate because a woman did it.