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“Food For Thought”

Categories: GRAB BAG
I am curious to know your thoughts on what the Bible shows us to be the best nutritional choices for our bodies.  What about diets that more closely match those during the life of Christ?  We are surrounded by so many chemically-altered foods.  Thank you.

Organic Origins

Dear Organic Origins,

God has given mankind dominion over the earth (Gen 1:26-28).  That gives humans the freedom to alter and adapt our food supplies and crops however we see fit.  Whether or not genetically altered foods are healthy is an issue for science and not the Bible.

God says very little about the health of the human body.  Paul says that exercise is useful, but only minimally so in comparison to spiritual matters (1 Tim 4:8).  God also says that all food is clean and should be accepted with thanksgiving (Mk 7:19, 1 Tim 4:3-4).

In regard to food, the only thing that God clearly condemns is gluttony.  Gluttony brings poverty (Pr 23:21).  God says to “put a knife to your throat” if you are given to gluttony (Pr 23:2), which is another way of saying be careful about not letting food control you.  The only clear Biblical command on the subject of eating is “moderation”.