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Day 129 - Ephesians 6

Friday, June 28, 2013

5 minutes a day
5 days a week
1 New Testament in a year

There are 261 weekdays in a year, and there are 260 chapters in the New Testament. By reading one chapter, Monday through Friday, you will read the whole New Testament by the end of the year. The Daily Cup series is to help with that goal.

Happy Studying!

"The LORD is my chosen portion and my cup." -- Psalm 16:5

Click here for a pdf of the study schedule - CLICK HERE

Day 128 - Ephesians 5

Thursday, June 27, 2013

5 minutes a day
5 days a week
1 New Testament in a year

There are 261 weekdays in a year, and there are 260 chapters in the New Testament. By reading one chapter, Monday through Friday, you will read the whole New Testament by the end of the year. The Daily Cup series is to help with that goal.

Happy Studying!

"The LORD is my chosen portion and my cup." -- Psalm 16:5

Click here for a pdf of the study schedule - CLICK HERE


Thursday, June 27, 2013
As a child, I was both molested and raped.  My maternal uncle molested me from the age of four, and the abuse continued until I was fourteen years old.  At the age of nine, I was raped by a sixteen-year-old.  I struggle with the forgiveness of these two every day.  I feel as though the anger, the resentment, and the hurt are holding me back in my life.  How can you forgive those who seemingly show no remorse for their actions and harm against another?


Dear Hurting,

In one sense, you do not need to forgive them if they aren’t repentant.  In another sense, forgiveness is important for you to heal and move forward in your life.  Let us explain what we mean.

Sometimes we use the word ‘forgive’ to mean that a debt is canceled (this is how the word is used in Rom 4:7, Eph 1:7, and many other passages).  This type of forgiveness requires the person to be repentant and remorseful for their bad behavior (1 Jn 1:9, Acts 8:22).  This type of forgiveness is not extended to everyone – but only those who confess their sin and show a desire to change.  From what you have said, this does not apply to your situation.

There is another biblical use for the word ‘forgive’.  Sometimes we use the word ‘forgive’ to mean ‘stop feeling resent and anger toward others’.  This type of forgiveness can be seen in Mk 11:25 and in Jesus’ plea in Lk 23:34.  Holding anger against others (even if deserved) turns into bitterness (Eph 4:31).  This type of grudge and resentment is like drinking  poison and expecting your enemy to be hurt… it never works.  You don’t have to justify the person’s behavior or attitude; you simply need to give yourself the freedom to move on without the burden of their choices.  Heb 10:30 says that vengeance belongs to God – you don’t need to worry about judging these men for their wicked behavior… there is no greater wrath than God’s.

We cannot imagine how much pain you are in, and we know that these few words are much easier said than done, but you are in our prayers as you continue on your journey to freedom from this oppression on your soul.  If we can help you find someone in your area to talk to and give faithful advice, we would be happy to do so (our e-mail is, and of course, you are always welcome to ask us more questions at any time.

Day 127 - Ephesians 4

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

5 minutes a day
5 days a week
1 New Testament in a year

There are 261 weekdays in a year, and there are 260 chapters in the New Testament. By reading one chapter, Monday through Friday, you will read the whole New Testament by the end of the year. The Daily Cup series is to help with that goal.

Happy Studying!

"The LORD is my chosen portion and my cup." -- Psalm 16:5

Click here for a pdf of the study schedule - CLICK HERE

Mixed Signals

Wednesday, June 26, 2013
When Jesus was speaking with His disciples and predicting His suffering, execution, and resurrection, Peter took Jesus aside and rebuked Him saying, "This shall not happen to You!"  Jesus responded by rebuking Satan when He says, "Get behind Me Satan!"  (Matthew 16:22-23).  So obviously, what Peter said was inspired by Satan.

Then, later on, the Scripture says that Satan entered into Judas; then Judas decided to betray Jesus into the hands of those who wanted to kill Him.  (Luke 22:3 - 5)

My question is this:  Why would Satan try to turn Jesus away from going to the cross through Peter… only to go into Judas to ensure that Jesus WOULD go to the cross?  I'd like your thoughts on this matter because I believe it's a pretty interesting question.

Motive Monitor

Dear Motive Monitor,

Satan is the author of lies and murder (Jhn 8:44).  If there is any chaos, damage, or trouble that the devil can cause God and His children… he’ll do it (1 Pet 5:8).  Satan tried to pit Peter against Jesus by getting him to rebuke Jesus, and he also tried to pit (successfully) Judas against Jesus by getting him to betray Jesus.  Satan sows discord wherever possible.  It is not necessary to have an overarching plan when you are causing trouble; all Satan has to do is throw a monkey wrench in the works wherever he can.  In fact, Satan didn’t even realize how Jesus was going to save mankind – even the angels were unaware of Christ’s plans (1 Pet 1:12).  Satan was just doing what he always does, trying to tear people away from God by whatever means possible.

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