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“Dating From A Distance”

Is it a sin to be with my girlfriend if she does not believe in God?

Faithful Boyfriend

Dear Faithful Boyfriend,

It isn't a sin for you to have a girlfriend who isn't a christian, but it is important that you make appropriate boundaries before progressing toward marriage.  The Bible teaches that we should only marry someone if they are in the Lord (1 Cor 7:39).  Marrying an unbeliever will tie you to someone who doesn't have the same values as you (2 Cor 6:14).  The progress of your relationship will eventually need to stall if she doesn't obey the gospel.  Religion is the most important factor in a marriage because it affects your morals, how you raise children, your finances, your hobbies, how you treat one another, and a thousand other elements of your future.  Be very careful when courting an unbeliever.