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Ask Your Preacher - Archives

“Starting Fresh”

I have been living with my boyfriend for three years and having sex.  I’m getting very into Jesus and God’s will for me!  I have cut him off, and he’s not taking it well.  How can I explain to him that part of changing my life is following God’s Word?

Becoming Chaste

Dear Becoming Chaste,

If you are going to serve Christ, you have to commit yourself to living by His standards.  You can show your boyfriend verses like Jhn 15:14 and Eccl 12:13 to explain this concept to him.  However, regardless of your boyfriend’s reaction, you need to move out and set up proper Biblical barriers.  Your decision to serve God must always supersede all other relationships (Matt 10:37).  You are doing a great job of making the difficult decisions to start a new life.  We recommend you read, “What Must I Do To Be Saved” to further your journey of obedience to God’s Word.