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“Bitter Or Better”

     God bless you, brethren.  Now that I've come to the light of Christ, I'm super conscious of all the darkness that is in the world… so much that it disgusts me.  The world is in bondage to sin, and they love it.  I oftentimes try to make people aware of it, and when I do, I just come off like a "hater" or a pessimist.  And they're right.  I feel like I'm a hater and a pessimist; I don't approve of hardly anything anymore.  I even get upset when I see how blind the world is to all the immorality and sin they're involved in… everything from the music they listen to to the way women dress nowadays really upsets me.  Am I right to feel this way?  As believers, what should our attitude be like towards a fallen world that lives in darkness and loves it?

Dark Countenance

Dear Dark Countenance,

Bitterness and anger are such easy things to slip into, and many a christian has been destroyed by their frustration with sin and the world’s ways.  It is a dark world, and it can be discouraging and overwhelming at times.  The solution is to view the world the way Jesus did – with compassion.  When Jesus looked upon the city of Jerusalem, He wept over their faults and pitied their fate (Lk 19:41, Matt 23:37).  Jesus viewed the world as being full of people that needed a Savior (Jhn 4:35) and rejoiced over every lamb He could rescue (Lk 15:4-7).  Christians live in hope of eternity with God (2 Tim 4:8), and that hope is our anchor (Heb 6:19).  Allow your love of the Lord and your love for your fellow man to strengthen you through this life (Mk 12:29-31).  Your future is bright – have compassion on others, and maybe you might be able to brighten their futures as well.