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Ask Your Preacher - Archives

“Time To Open Up”

I am struggling with a very tough sin; I keep falling, but I refuse to give up the good fight.  Sometimes, I feel like I’m a terrible evil person for falling into this sinful life.  I guess what I’m asking is for any tips, advice, and verses to help me defeat this sin.  I’m too embarrassed and extremely scared to admit this sin to others; any advice to help me… just between me and God?  Please pray for me. Thank you.  The answers and verses have helped me many times, especially when you say never give up!

Mums The Word

Dear Mums The Word,

Our hearts go out to you in this battle – good job not giving up!  We want to help you, and we will pray for you.  Unfortunately, helping you probably means telling you something you don’t want to hear.  It is almost always uncomfortable, humiliating, scary, or costly to admit a sin – but that is exactly why it is often the right thing to do.  God tells us that we should be ready to do whatever it takes to remove sin from our lives (Matt 5:29).  Many times, the right thing to do is also the hardest thing to do.  Confessing our sins isn’t easy (or everyone would do it), but it is one of the purest cures God gives us for a life stuck in sin (Jas 5:16).  God knows that we aren’t meant to handle life’s trials and temptations alone – and the devil knows it, too.  Sin hates the light because it scatters darkness (Jhn 3:19-20).  If you are afraid to admit your sin to others, it is probably exactly what you need to do.